Thursday, April 20, 2006

There's a first time for everyone

Had my first accident today. Well it doesn't really constitute as an acident actually. Just a nudge to the back of a taxi. Mainly it was my fault for not checking in front before moving off.

Was sending my aunt and uncle back home from my house. Happended in a slip road from PIE going into clementi. The major road infront was clear check blind spot, clear, check right side for incoming traffic clear, but forgot to check infront if the taxi had moved off. I kinda assumed it did. Luckily my uncle was sitting next to me. He warned me in time so yeah i braked, HARDED. But obviously not hard enough. THUD! hit the back of the taxi.

Nobody was injured thank god. No visible damage to both cars. But my uncle took some photos for insurance. You may never know what the taxi driver might do. I was lucky my uncle and aunt was around to help me settle the incident. The taxi driver took down my aunt's particulars. Well if anything does happen she told me to use her license. She won't be in Singapore anyway so points given to her wont effect her much.

Am still shaken though about the whole incident. The journey back home was kinda scary. Did not go beyond 80km/h, did safety checks like i've never done before.
Even though the accident was a small one, it did wake me up a bit. But hey, it all adds up to experience. There's a first time for everyone. I guess thats it...

-blog out-

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