Monday, April 10, 2006

Updating. Happy now?

Its a wonder people read my blog haha. Its been like 3 months not since i last updated and still there are people coming to my blog. Also to stop some of you out there(you know who you are) who kept bugging me to update.

Well here's an update of my life for the past 3 months....

Finally finished my poly education. Didnt really end it with a bang. But I did pass nonetheless. What's next? Uni? NS? Work? Well I did applied for both NTU and NUS. Am still waiting for their replys. NS, am still waiting also. I hope to go in as soon as possible as to get it done and over with. The sooner I enter the sooner I'll come out. As for work, well to be honest kinda lazy to look for one but I need money. Gotta drag my lazy ass somewhere and find some work. At the mean time Im rotting at home, piling on the fats, spending my time playing with my cousins...

Oh did i mention my Aunt's back from london. Oh god I miss them so much. MY uncle and Aunt are the same as ever, my comfort zone besides my parents that is. As for my lil cousin's, Hannah is as thin as ever, Thoriq as usual his quiet self but startin to turn out to be a gamefreak haha and last but no least cute lil baby sofea, wait let me rephrase that. cute lil naughty pinching and biting sofea. Yeah I dunno why but she seems to be takin up pinchin and biting lately. Maybe thats her way of showing her affection to me. Im cover in her teeth and fingernail marks. But nontheless I love then all. Last night went out for dinner with them. Had seafood. Its been awhile I had shark's fin soup and Chilli crab. So yeah enjoyed ourselves.

2 days ago my dad's Jawatankuasa held a Syarahan regarding Maulud Nabi. The guest speaker for the night was Ustaz Ahmad dahri. I kinda like him, he's funny. He's popular too. We estimated around 400 people to attend the syarahan but the turnout was more than we expected. So we had to lay mats on the floor for those who got no place to sit. I was the usual Cameraman for the event. In fact this year I had to operate both the Videocam and the camera. But my sis help a bit. so It was ok. The syarahan was a success, and thank god it didnt rain that night. It rained in the afternoon while we we setting up the stage and stuffs. I had fun snapping the pictures away ala "Peter Parker" haha.

My parents seem to be dropping hints the pass few days or maybe im being paranoid. Firstly my dad actually tease me not to get so overboard while takin the photos coz we need to save some for after the syarahan. These are his exact words...

Dad: "Jangan amik banyak2 simpan for later"
Me: "No lah I won't"
Dad: "Mane tau nampak anak darah lawa mane then u keep snapping away"

That wasn't the only time the other day he was askin me about some of my girl friends. My dad was the only one though my mum was also talkin strangely.

Last night she actually said one my girl fren was pretty and that she was "girlfriend tak jadi" to my aunt.

Well both my parents are the old fashion type where they believe in Study firs then girlfriends later. But for the past few days they acted otherwise.

Its like im complainin or anything but hey this is something new. Maybe its time haha whatever it is, I've yet to find the one.

Talkin about the one, met someone recently. Someone whom I didnt expect to see again. The 1st time I saw her was way back in 2004. I remember I was lookin for Jeans in Giordano Jurong point. I kinda notice this salesgirl. Sweet smile, cute face. But unfortunately she didnt serve me. Or I could have gotten her number then. I thought well maybe she's just another pretty face. But somehow rather while walkin out of the store, I heard a sweet voice "Thank you for shopping, please come again". I turned around the there she was standing there puttin on the sweetest smile, a smile that could melt even the hardest heart. Well ok maybe i was exagerrating a bit there but seriously i was dumbfounded then. All I could do was smile and walk away. But i know my mind was saying of course, I'll be back. The next day I purposely walk pass the shop while on the way home from school. Unfortunately she wasnt there. THe same goes for the next few days. It was only later I found out that she's not workin there anymore.

Months pass and I kinda forgot about the incident. Then in 2005 I was at BBDC having my driving lesson. While on the way back home, I notice someone familiar walkin infront of me and also she went up the same bus as I did. Surprise2 it was the Giordano girl. Again the urge to ask for her phone number was back but the sight of her sitting with another guy(Probably her boyfriend) deter me. Again I miss out in gettin to know her, twice.

And more recently, in 2006. It was after TKD training, I drove the guys down to Hazwani in clementi for dinner. Guess what who would be sitting next to our table. Ms Giordano girl again and this time she's with a friend of mine. So yeah acknowledge my friend and smile at her, she smiled back that sweet smile she did way back in 2004. It was then that I realised this is the 3rd time I bump into her. But being the shy me I didnt pluck up enough courage to ask her right there and then.

Instead, I went home logged into friendster and looked for her profile thru my friend's list of friends. Found her and told her everything from 2004. At last after 2 years, 3 incidents of bumping into each other, I finally got her number.
Quite a story huh. Yeah I can quite dramatic at times. haha.

Well I think thats enough crapping for today. to all those who kept bugging me to update I hope this will keep you content. Till my next update..........tml? 1 mth? or 3 mths? haha


-blog out-

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