First up would like to wish a friend of mine, Mindy a happy birthday. With that done to the main events of the day. Dad took leave from today, tomorrow and the whole of next week. So went shopping for baju raya. This year told mum that I would rather play it simple. Jeans and polo T would be enough for me. Wouldn't want to spent loads of cash on nice looking shirts which I would only wear once or twice a year. At least with polo Ts I could use them to go to school. Didnt go far today just Jurong point. Bought a pair cargo pants and white polo T at Bossini and a pair of jeans at Giordano. Broke my fast at Banquet. Then shop a little while more then head home.
28 October 2005 (Friday)
Wake up, showered then drove dad and me to Assyakirin Mosque for Friday prayers. Getting used to the car already. One bad thing about this Mazda Premacy is that its bigger than the average car so It takes awhile for me to get use to the big dimensions. Its much harder to park and drive due to its length and weight. Luckily for me its automatic.
After friday prayers, drove down to Geylang with the family. Looked for my sisters' baju kurungs. Although its a Friday its still damn packed. Saw a lot of Mats and Minahs, tsk Such a waste. Anyway I tought I saw familiar face among the crowds today. Met her on the net, in hi5 to be exact. But we hardly talked/chat nowadays ah. She looks much prettier in person I might add. Didn't approached her. Was kinda shy plus my parents and her parents are around. So yeah admired her from afar. Wanted to break fast at Arnold's but again its crowded. Bought some food stuffs from the bazaar and broke our fast in the car. Then we head down to the old Rex theater for Hainanese Chicken rice at Cameron.
Head down to My uncle's place to picked up Nenek. She would be celebrating hari raya this year over at my place. So this year Its the first time we will be playing host. In fact both my grandmothers will be here this Hari raya. I hope my house can stand the load. haha.
This year the fasting month felt shorter than usual. 3 weeks pass by like nobody's business. Before I knew it Hari raya is next week. Had not really prepared for Hari raya. More like I've not yet gotten into the raya mood yet. I think this year hari raya will pass by as fast as the fasting month. Haiz another raya alone I guess. Haha. It's ok. There's still next year though.
29 October 2005 (Today)
Dad woke me up today, asked me to bring down the curtains and to change the cushion covers. Took a rather long shower. Little did I know a surprise is waiting for me on my bed. Wasn't wearin my glasses but I spotted the letter on the bed as soon I entered my room. Close and locked the door, draw the curtains close and still wrapped in my towel I ripped open the letter. And this was in it....
My pride and joy for this month. My driver's license and Mum handed over the extra keys to the car. So I guess officially the car is half mine now. Did my chores. and now here I am updating my blog. So I guess my morning started out great. I hope it last till the evening. I guess I'll blog later. Right now I gonna go admire my Driving license hehe....
-blog out-