Wednesday, May 24, 2006

random ramblings

Last weekend SPTKD held their Freshman orientation camp. So being the gungho type, I sign up and went for the camp. Little did I know, Mif and Hairoul are not coming down. So I was practically without my "kakis". So in other words if a person got no "kaki" what happen? He becomes lame. haha ok lame joke. But seriously I got no one to talk too. Well maybe there are, like Rikki, Rena, Normah, Fizah and etc. But they are not exactly the same wavelength. You know what I mean.

Basically the camp was ok. Well not ok. Kinda disorganize. Well no offence to the organizing committee. The games were fun and good. But breakfast, lunch and dinner was not really plan out properly. Its ok, pretty understandable. Its a new committee and this is somehow their first time organizing a camp. Maybe some may have done it before, some may not. Learn from their mistakes ah. Just make sure the next time I come to your next camp, show some improvements.

The past few days were pretty much the same. Wake up, shower, online or play games, eat, pray, sleep and etc. So ok most of you out there might probably say "HEY GET A LIFE MAN, FIND A JOB OR SOMETHING". Well yeah am meaning too but can't seem to bring myself to do it. hehehe... GOtta face it man I'm just plain lazy.

But havin way too much free time is kinda fun you know, I tend to think a lot. About stuffs. GOOD STUFFS ok. Like what are my plans after NS and where should I further my studies and stuffs like that. Finding a girlfriend. haha well yeah tought of that a couple of times. I dunno man. I mean I have some feelings for an old friend but she's attached to a good friend of mine also. I don't want to be a bastard and break them up. But recently I kind of confess everything to her. Thankfully she's ok with it. I dunno if she told her boyfriend about it but he doesn't seem to show any signs of knowing about it either. As for me? well I have endure seeing her going out getting close to soooo many guys these few years I kinda got use to it. But somehow after confessing to her I can't help feeling jealous over that lucky guy. I try to look away, try to ignore them, tried to talk to other girls just to get her off my mind. It does help, but not for long. Then there's the Giordano girl I mention a few entries ago. She doesn't seem interested so what can I do. I can't force her to like me right. But the funny thing is, If you go out looking for love, they seem to be running away from you. BUt once you stop looking, they seem to be coming looking for you.

A few days ago, I think it was last week. I was on the verge of completely forgetting about those 2 girls I mention above. I hadn't talk, message, msn any of them for quite a while and I'm kinda happy about it too. Then this old fren of mine msg me to do her a favor. Well being a good friend, I complied. So we met up for lunch and talked about old times and stuffs. She even help me with a little grocery shopping which I'm awfully bad at. I'm not the type who goes to the market often so I dunno which leafs and vegetables are which. Somehow that gesture of hers to help me reminded me of why I fell for her years ago. But I quickly reminded myself that she's attached. So just savour what time we have spent together thats all.

The same day at night, was online minding my own business watching Incredible tales. Giordano girl messaged me thru MSN. Was kinda surprise because usually I would be the one messaging her first. We only chatted for like 10 seconds and she said she will call me because its easier. So yeah she called my phone and we chatted for like almost a few hours.

I mean you get what I mean by If you look for love the will run away from you and if you are not looking they come looking for you. Maybe I should do that. Walk around as if I'm not interested. Act as if Im content with being single and all and maybe girls will somehow come knocking at my door. Pretty farfetch I know. But hey its worth a try. haha.

Just got back from TKD training. My back is pretty sore. Have been giving me problems these past few days. Probably not having enough sleep. But who am I kidding man. Wake up around 1 in the afternoon. haha and I'm complaining of not having enough sleep. Anyways, Hairoul is fine now. He's back to his cheerful self. But he's taking it easy. Yo bro keep it up man. I'm always here to back you up if anything happens. Remember that day? We could always go to Al-ameen and talk over "Nasi goreng cina paprik ala thai" or something like that ah, I forgot the name of the dish. Haha.

SOOOOOO.... yeah that's about it I think. I know someone out there is pestering me to update. So here it is. Didnt really think you would read my blog sey. I mean once in awhile I understand. But you seem to be like reading my blog everyday haha. I'm truely honoured ah to have a fan like you. hahahahaha. Want me to like put up like a small corner to thank you for your support or something like that? hahahaha. Like at mcdonalds where they put up a picture of employee of the month. Put ur picture there and below it "Fan of the month" hehe.

Anyway thanks for coming and reading. At least I know there are people out there who care to read..

So good night and take care....

-blog out-

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