Saturday, April 17, 2004


Orange County

Hiya people change the theme of my blog to The O.C. Orange County CALIFORNIA. Love that show man. Looks abit like hollaween the color theme. Orange and black. haha.

Anyways, today wasnt that interesting. Sch as per normal. friday prayers. Then home again. Actually there is nothing for me to type about today except maybe, I watch Blueprints today. Titled Princess Moon. Its about first love and all. Very touching and sad story. Kinda reflects what most of us teenagers go thru, during that critical stage. PUBERTY. The show almost brought tears to my eyes. To be able to touch the audiences heart thats incredible. Good scriptwriting.
From the show, now i add another quote to my favorite quotes list.

"How do you measure love? Love is measured by the size of the hole it left behind"

The part where the narrator replied. "I finally understood what my father meant. When I saw my princess left, It left a crater in my heart" Tears start to well up man. So sad, so sad.

Ok lah got nothing elso to write lah. Gd nite people.

-blog out-

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