So Italy won the world cup. Not exactly my first choice team to win but still, Italy will always a soft spot in my heart and I'm very happy for them. Kudos to Cannavaro and gang for persevering till the end. Italy started out strong but unfortunately conceded a penalty in the early minutes. But the same guy who conceded the penalty, Materazzi, redeems himself by scoring the equaliser soon after. After that it was stalemate all the way till penalty shoot-out. As cruel as it may seem there has to be a winner and Italy edge out France in the end...

But France did perform well I must add. Frank Ribery and Thiery Henry were superb. Zidane? well he was pure class except that sending off incident in the 107th minute for headbutting who else? Materazzi, "Stone cold" Steve Austin style. Haha. Well as much admiration and respect I have for Zizou, that gesture really disappoints me.

Materazzi's to blame too for provoking him. Anyway poor Zizou we couldn't even come into the pitch to receive the losers medal. What a way to end his career. I hope he won't go down into history as the guy who Head butt France out of the finals. JUst like R.Baggio, such a good player but was remembered as the guy who missed that penalty and Eric Cantona for his infamous flying kick. Is it a trend nowadays to end your career in such a "high" fashion?
Anyway Zidane is a genius in my opinion. Its just sad that he has to end in such a way. Eh I tought Shakira was gonna perform during the finals singing that Bamboo song? Tak nampak pun batang hidung dia. Anyway the "celebrate the day" song is pretty nice. Its been playin in my head non-stop.

-blog out-
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