Ever had that feeling, wishing you could relieve a certain memory over and over again. I have.
She was a nice girl. Smart and Independant. We kinda hit it off the first time we met(I guess we did). I remember the 1st time I met her. She was a friend's friend. Was on the train home, from TKD training and we were fooling around making fun of each other. I can't really remember what the joke was but we were laughing like nobody's business.
The first time I aske her out. Hmm it was valentine's day. But we didn't really go out or anything. Just meet up for awhile then accompany her back home. A stalk of red rose was involved too. The last time I heard of it, Its been pressed and dried. I wonder how is it doing now?
After that everything was history. Some of you must be wondering who or where is she now? Well can I safely that she's one of my very good friends now. Kam ching ho!!! haha. Correct or not? I bet you're reading this now. Anyway I rather have you as a friend than not to have you at all. cheers. May our friendship last.

-blog out-
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