Firstly i would like to wish all, A merry christmas and a happy new year.
Well you all know that today is christmas day. Dont really celebrate the occasion but went out with my family to the zoo. Its been awhile since I've been there and the place really change a lot. Why the zoo? some of you may think. Well first things first. I love animals, in fact my whole family does and we got this unwritten rule that we must visit the zoo at least once a year. Plus we really need to bond as a family. Since during the weekdays everyone is busy except during dinner time which each and everyone of us made an effort to be present.
Had fun but little did i know, half way thru suffered a major chest/stomach pain. I dunno where to describe it. Its somewhere near the part where ur ribs are joined, the part where u press while doing CPR. Doing really breath properly, need to take in deep breaths. Plus i couldn't stand or walk for long. Need to take breaks and sit. In the end I couldnt take it and went to the toilet to let whatever that is inside out. The funny thing is nothing came out. Instead starting to let out loud burps. Excuse me but I was in a lot of pain. Mom said it might hav been the excessive amount of amino acid in my body. Took panadol and soon the pain went away. Wow a miracle drug. haha. Soon I was back to my usual self. Felt much better.
Saw quite a number of baby animals. The monkeys, goats, mices, naked mole rats and etc. Plus those babies that I saw during my previous visit were all grown up. Kinda nice to see them going up and doing so well. Manage to catch a few feeding shows. The crocs, the giant arapaima and others. Also we did get to see the Sea lion show but It was during tat time I was suffering from my sudden chest pains so I didnt really get to see most of it.
Arrived at around 11am and we left at 6pm (closing time). Haha we sure spent a lot of time there. After that went to Casurina road for Prata at the famous prata shop. While walking towards the shop, A chinese lady tried to usher me into her shop in chinese. Politely decline and move off. My sisters whom dont believe that I looked chinese were kinda surprise, so now I guess they'll believe me. Haha.
We had cheese, corn, chocolate, egg and plain prata. Tasted every single one and all tasted very good. In order of prefrence Cheese, egg, plain, choc and corn. Really enjoyed my dinner. haha. So now Im home with a very satisfied stomach, showered and very sleepy. So I guess I'll stop here.
Till next time ciao.....
-blog out-
Take a peek into the life of an ordinary boy trying desperately to live his dreams...
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Monday, December 13, 2004
S.A.D = Social anxiety disorder
Heya peeps. Been awhile since i've blog lets recap what i've missed.
Firstly, my attachment is finally over. Gonna miss working there. Although I did nothing but played with phones and surf the net, which by the way is my job. Yes I am paid to play with handphones and surf the net. What more can i ask for. On my last day of my attachment, the company held a christmas lunch cum farewell dinner for me at Shangri la hotel. I was overwhelmed. The place was huge and beautiful. I mean what could you expect form a 5 star hotel. Had an all you can eat buffet and boy i ate till i really drop. Haha. Actually i dropped the ice cream container cover and it made a hell of a noise. At an instant all eyes were on me and my company went "Orh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My face went beetroot. After lunch we headed to Marina South for a game of bowling and pool. Played one of my best games. A personal best of 143. It aint much but still my personal best. Really gonna miss those guys. I overheard my supervisor talkin to my LO over the phone saying I might be sent back to the company to help sent up *mScope for the school website. Haiz
Secondly Taufik is the first SIngapore Idol. Yeah and to think that he came from Singapore poly. Congrats man. He's really a nice guy. Mommy's boy. My cousin met him over at the "IKHLAS" concert. My sis got his picture and autograph. I juz wish him happy birthday. Funny guy also. Gave advice to my sis to study hard. So yeah she practically melted like a candle.
Thirdly Life so far have been funny for me. LIke a roller coster. More like an emotional roller coster. Family, friends, my social life and myself. The other day my parent were arguing in the living room about going to johor for a wedding and she was like telling him to look at the map and my dad was like saying the map was sufficent and what not. I was there in the living room watchin TV. Felt like screamming tellin them off it is juz a stupid map and why dont we go as a group with my other aunts who know the way. Friends well a lot of things to say ah. But i dont wanna say all. Im kinda losing some but at the same time gaining new friends. I guess you lose some and gain some along the way. AS for my social life. Haiz its a goner. She has someone, already. kinda stumble upon it. What to do. Life's like that. Then there's another 1. She too has 1 already and there's also a third and yup she too has 1 already. 1 of them knows my feeling towards her the other 2 dont. SO far I've been nice to them. I mean extra nice. Help them with their problems. Talk to them regularly. Well maybe its in my nature. Im juz too nice. Cant help being helpful and nice. But people doesnt seem to notice. They only come to me when they need help and when its ok, they forget about me. WTH. Haiz nvm. Im juz a tool anyway. Like those comfort toys where u only confine to when ur down and when to dont need it u juz chunk it to one side. Nobody notices you anyway. Same goes with my friends. Cant really talk without being made fun off. Its like every word i say is a joke. I dont mind being made fun of once in awhile but this is too much. ITs all the time and when I dont talk, i keep quiet, they say i merajuk lah and bunga lah and whats nots. HEY COME ON LAH!!! YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!!! YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!!! SO AS NOT BE HURT I'LL KEEP TO MYSELF THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... haiz Can't help feeling that i might end up single. LIke some of my cousins. 30 plus, 40 plus still single. What to do, life's like that
Today's the first day of school and the swine of a lecturer made full use of the 2 hours and teach without break. Walau comeon 1st lecture and without any books how do you expect us to concentrate. GRRRRRR........
THATS IT I'VE OFFICIALLY BLOWN MY TOP.... BUT i let it blow up internally. I dont show my anger or pain on the outside. I dont other to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Bibik, Omm when are you coming back from london. Miss you guys. You guys are the only people whom I feel comfortable enough to let go everything inside of me. Even my parents dont come as close as u guys. I wanna see my little cousins again, Hannah, Thoriq and Sofea. Miss them loads... *tears rolling*
Oh man im so emotional today. FUCK IT who cares anyway. NO one cares, when it comes to Syafiq. Because he can take care of himself. He's a natural leader. He's so strong. He's SUPERMAN. Yeah right.... super my ass.
*mScope is the product being set up by my company and the school is buying it.
FUCK IT......
-blog out-
Firstly, my attachment is finally over. Gonna miss working there. Although I did nothing but played with phones and surf the net, which by the way is my job. Yes I am paid to play with handphones and surf the net. What more can i ask for. On my last day of my attachment, the company held a christmas lunch cum farewell dinner for me at Shangri la hotel. I was overwhelmed. The place was huge and beautiful. I mean what could you expect form a 5 star hotel. Had an all you can eat buffet and boy i ate till i really drop. Haha. Actually i dropped the ice cream container cover and it made a hell of a noise. At an instant all eyes were on me and my company went "Orh!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My face went beetroot. After lunch we headed to Marina South for a game of bowling and pool. Played one of my best games. A personal best of 143. It aint much but still my personal best. Really gonna miss those guys. I overheard my supervisor talkin to my LO over the phone saying I might be sent back to the company to help sent up *mScope for the school website. Haiz
Secondly Taufik is the first SIngapore Idol. Yeah and to think that he came from Singapore poly. Congrats man. He's really a nice guy. Mommy's boy. My cousin met him over at the "IKHLAS" concert. My sis got his picture and autograph. I juz wish him happy birthday. Funny guy also. Gave advice to my sis to study hard. So yeah she practically melted like a candle.
Thirdly Life so far have been funny for me. LIke a roller coster. More like an emotional roller coster. Family, friends, my social life and myself. The other day my parent were arguing in the living room about going to johor for a wedding and she was like telling him to look at the map and my dad was like saying the map was sufficent and what not. I was there in the living room watchin TV. Felt like screamming tellin them off it is juz a stupid map and why dont we go as a group with my other aunts who know the way. Friends well a lot of things to say ah. But i dont wanna say all. Im kinda losing some but at the same time gaining new friends. I guess you lose some and gain some along the way. AS for my social life. Haiz its a goner. She has someone, already. kinda stumble upon it. What to do. Life's like that. Then there's another 1. She too has 1 already and there's also a third and yup she too has 1 already. 1 of them knows my feeling towards her the other 2 dont. SO far I've been nice to them. I mean extra nice. Help them with their problems. Talk to them regularly. Well maybe its in my nature. Im juz too nice. Cant help being helpful and nice. But people doesnt seem to notice. They only come to me when they need help and when its ok, they forget about me. WTH. Haiz nvm. Im juz a tool anyway. Like those comfort toys where u only confine to when ur down and when to dont need it u juz chunk it to one side. Nobody notices you anyway. Same goes with my friends. Cant really talk without being made fun off. Its like every word i say is a joke. I dont mind being made fun of once in awhile but this is too much. ITs all the time and when I dont talk, i keep quiet, they say i merajuk lah and bunga lah and whats nots. HEY COME ON LAH!!! YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!!! YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!!! SO AS NOT BE HURT I'LL KEEP TO MYSELF THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... haiz Can't help feeling that i might end up single. LIke some of my cousins. 30 plus, 40 plus still single. What to do, life's like that
Today's the first day of school and the swine of a lecturer made full use of the 2 hours and teach without break. Walau comeon 1st lecture and without any books how do you expect us to concentrate. GRRRRRR........
THATS IT I'VE OFFICIALLY BLOWN MY TOP.... BUT i let it blow up internally. I dont show my anger or pain on the outside. I dont other to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Bibik, Omm when are you coming back from london. Miss you guys. You guys are the only people whom I feel comfortable enough to let go everything inside of me. Even my parents dont come as close as u guys. I wanna see my little cousins again, Hannah, Thoriq and Sofea. Miss them loads... *tears rolling*
Oh man im so emotional today. FUCK IT who cares anyway. NO one cares, when it comes to Syafiq. Because he can take care of himself. He's a natural leader. He's so strong. He's SUPERMAN. Yeah right.... super my ass.
*mScope is the product being set up by my company and the school is buying it.
FUCK IT......
-blog out-
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
At work
Hey guys Im at work now. Well its lunch break that is. My collegue invited me to join them over at Burger King but I had to decline since im fasting maybe next week. Well its been 3 days and I think im fitting in quite nicely. Been doing some testing and fault checking. Its difficult at the beginning because Im required to know how to use different kinds of phones and also to look at Java-scripts. But after playing around with the phones and guidance from my collegues It gets pretty easy and not to mention it gets kinda boring also. Can't complain. haha. 12:40 already I think I'll head down to the nearby mosque and pray. See ya guys ard bye....
-blog out-
-blog out-
Thursday, November 04, 2004
End of Stress
Halu people. Im so happy today. As i've finish all my exams. As to how I perform well that another story. Now its time to enjoy while it last. Next week monday im starting my ITP at "OCEANLAKE ASIA PTE LTD". Some company that develop the WAP system in your handphones and other wireless internet stuffs. Sounds neat. Can't wait to start work. Anyway its situated near my father's old working place so Im pretty familiar with the area, at Telok ayer street near Tanjong Pagar. So getting there isn't much of a problem.
Well we have reach the 20th day of the fasting month, another 10 more days and its Hari Raya!!! yeah. Pretty excited. Can't wait. The atmosphere, the food ( Ketupat with sambal goreng and serunding yum yum) just thinking of it makes my mouth water and not to mention the green packet. haha well its not as if I'll be getting as much as I did last time. But still its extra pocket money. HAHA. But coming to the end of the fasting month is not all fill with joy. Im still sadden that ramadan(fasting month) is coming to an end. For the past 20 days, were fill with such joy and happiness so different from other months. I learn to be patient, I kinda lost a few kilos and ya I've been a good boy for the past 20 days. haha. I dunno lah. It's juz I feel happy during ramadan thats all. Breaking fast together with friends and family, cracking jokes and basically having fun. Im thankful to God for all this and I hope there's more to come....
Well let me share 1 of my favorite Hari Raya songs....
I'll try my best to translate, My malay ain't that good so forgive me If I translate it wrongly
Singer: Khairil Johari Johar
Title: Sepasang Kurung Biru (A pair of blue baju kurung)
Tiada salam atau ucapan
(No word or sound)
Tiada pesan tanda ingatan
(No source of memory)
Suasana penuh keriangan
(Atmosphere full of joy)
Ku teringat pada seseorang
(I was reminded of someone)
Di hari yang berbahgia ini
(On this happy occasion)
Hatiku kosong dan sepi sekali
(My heart's empty and lonely)
Betapa manis kenangi lalu
(So sweet were the old memories)
Menyambut raya bersama denganku
(Celebrating hari raya with you)
( Chorus )
Tiada bisikan lembut yang ku dengar
(No smooth whisper that I use to hear)
Hanya suara azan sayup bergema
(Only the sound of the azan)
Masih kurasakan hangat tanganmu
(I still feel the warmth of ur hand)
Di pagi raya bersalam dengan ku
(During the morning of hari raya)
Tetamu datang tetamu pergi
(Guest come and go)
Namun tak tiba orang ku nanti
(But the person Im waiting for didnt turn up)
Hanya sepasang kurung nan biru
(Only a pair of blu baju kurung)
Menjadi teman mengubat rindu ku
(Becomes the cure for me missing you)
( Repeat chorus )
So ya ya laugh all you want. I know my malay sucks. But can you do a better job? Well dont be shy and help me will ya. haha ok then that about it for today ciao.....
Off to play Fifa 2005 on my X box and then watch Man Utd tonight bye nite
-blog out-
Well we have reach the 20th day of the fasting month, another 10 more days and its Hari Raya!!! yeah. Pretty excited. Can't wait. The atmosphere, the food ( Ketupat with sambal goreng and serunding yum yum) just thinking of it makes my mouth water and not to mention the green packet. haha well its not as if I'll be getting as much as I did last time. But still its extra pocket money. HAHA. But coming to the end of the fasting month is not all fill with joy. Im still sadden that ramadan(fasting month) is coming to an end. For the past 20 days, were fill with such joy and happiness so different from other months. I learn to be patient, I kinda lost a few kilos and ya I've been a good boy for the past 20 days. haha. I dunno lah. It's juz I feel happy during ramadan thats all. Breaking fast together with friends and family, cracking jokes and basically having fun. Im thankful to God for all this and I hope there's more to come....
Well let me share 1 of my favorite Hari Raya songs....
I'll try my best to translate, My malay ain't that good so forgive me If I translate it wrongly
Singer: Khairil Johari Johar
Title: Sepasang Kurung Biru (A pair of blue baju kurung)
Tiada salam atau ucapan
(No word or sound)
Tiada pesan tanda ingatan
(No source of memory)
Suasana penuh keriangan
(Atmosphere full of joy)
Ku teringat pada seseorang
(I was reminded of someone)
Di hari yang berbahgia ini
(On this happy occasion)
Hatiku kosong dan sepi sekali
(My heart's empty and lonely)
Betapa manis kenangi lalu
(So sweet were the old memories)
Menyambut raya bersama denganku
(Celebrating hari raya with you)
( Chorus )
Tiada bisikan lembut yang ku dengar
(No smooth whisper that I use to hear)
Hanya suara azan sayup bergema
(Only the sound of the azan)
Masih kurasakan hangat tanganmu
(I still feel the warmth of ur hand)
Di pagi raya bersalam dengan ku
(During the morning of hari raya)
Tetamu datang tetamu pergi
(Guest come and go)
Namun tak tiba orang ku nanti
(But the person Im waiting for didnt turn up)
Hanya sepasang kurung nan biru
(Only a pair of blu baju kurung)
Menjadi teman mengubat rindu ku
(Becomes the cure for me missing you)
( Repeat chorus )
So ya ya laugh all you want. I know my malay sucks. But can you do a better job? Well dont be shy and help me will ya. haha ok then that about it for today ciao.....
Off to play Fifa 2005 on my X box and then watch Man Utd tonight bye nite
-blog out-
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Back in business
Im back in business baby. I can blog now. Its funny. I didnt do anything but my computer yesterday did an autoupdate of the system and tadaaa!!!! and I can finally blog at home.
Olrite lets start with today. Well didnt go to school today, wanted to (as if) but woke up with a splitting headache. Almost broke fasting instead put a little medicated oil, then went back to sleep. Woke up feeling slightly better. My sisters all at home no school. I woke up join them watching a little TV then they played the xbox. Now here I am updating my blog.
Mom ask what to eat for buka for today. I suggested ordering KFC, coz i wanted to try the new Tom Yam Chicken. Heard that it was nice. So yeah so far thats about it. For today. Maybe I'll blog in later. Well if you guys are wondering why I've been missing from MSN the past few nights its because I went for Terawih prayers so yeah I'm pretty much alive. Im not dead yet.
Olrite gotta go. ciao
-blog out-
Olrite lets start with today. Well didnt go to school today, wanted to (as if) but woke up with a splitting headache. Almost broke fasting instead put a little medicated oil, then went back to sleep. Woke up feeling slightly better. My sisters all at home no school. I woke up join them watching a little TV then they played the xbox. Now here I am updating my blog.
Mom ask what to eat for buka for today. I suggested ordering KFC, coz i wanted to try the new Tom Yam Chicken. Heard that it was nice. So yeah so far thats about it. For today. Maybe I'll blog in later. Well if you guys are wondering why I've been missing from MSN the past few nights its because I went for Terawih prayers so yeah I'm pretty much alive. Im not dead yet.
Olrite gotta go. ciao
-blog out-
Friday, October 15, 2004
Summary of the past few weeks
Hey guys its been awhile since i updated this bloody blogger. Let me summarise last week. Well the TKD guys(Hairol, Mif, Usop, Din and me) went to Sentosa for some sand and surf before the fasting month came and also Mif and Sops going off to serve the nation. So its kinda like a last getaway for us. Enjoyed our day. Played frisbee and swam. Saw a lot of pretty girls in bikinis. Then about 6plus we went off. Had dinner at Burger king. Met up with Din's classmate, Suhail, whom worked there. Din went off soon after coz he wasnt feeing well. Su suddenly gave us the idea to explore the empty house near the sentosa chalet. I wasn't too keen to explore the unknown and disturb those other beings. But not wanting to coward out I agreed to tag along. Upon reaching the house, I wasn't what I imagine. It was somewhat worst. Like your typical hauntd house in the movies. Big white dark house surrounded by trees, on top of a hill. It was total darkness. Went we approach nearer, I could sense the uncanny silence and the house seem to give out this kind of sinister/eeriee glow. As I walked, I looked down not daring to look up at the house. It was then that I felt something looking down at us, I looked up at the 2nd floor of the house. I kinda saw a dark shadow standing there. I stopped the guys and asked if they really wanted to continue. Hairol then realising my uneasiness pulled everyone back. Boy was I relief that we pulled back the so call "expedition" or else god knows what would happen to us.
Went we got to the safety of the bus stop. I told Hairol what I saw, and he told me that he had sense something looking down at us from the trees. So it seems I wasn't the only one who "saw" something. But we concluded that due to fatigue and fear, our eyes and minds were playing tricks on us.
Last friday was the first day of the fasting month and it is also the day i took my Basic theory test. Well what luck to have my test on the first day of the fasting month and also my test starts at 730pm so i would have to break fast in the bus along the way. Well it wasn't so bad. The test was pretty easy. Its funny looking at those bangladeshi take their test. Ask to sign their own name and still can ask whose name. haha. Well after the test quickly check my answers found out that confirm 1 wrong answer about the age limit of children for car seat. The rest im pretty confident. Stop by Delifrance and bought a chicken sandwich to celebrate. Can't wait to get my licence.
There's nothing much to write bout last week so i'll just stop here till next time ciao...
Went we got to the safety of the bus stop. I told Hairol what I saw, and he told me that he had sense something looking down at us from the trees. So it seems I wasn't the only one who "saw" something. But we concluded that due to fatigue and fear, our eyes and minds were playing tricks on us.
Last friday was the first day of the fasting month and it is also the day i took my Basic theory test. Well what luck to have my test on the first day of the fasting month and also my test starts at 730pm so i would have to break fast in the bus along the way. Well it wasn't so bad. The test was pretty easy. Its funny looking at those bangladeshi take their test. Ask to sign their own name and still can ask whose name. haha. Well after the test quickly check my answers found out that confirm 1 wrong answer about the age limit of children for car seat. The rest im pretty confident. Stop by Delifrance and bought a chicken sandwich to celebrate. Can't wait to get my licence.
There's nothing much to write bout last week so i'll just stop here till next time ciao...
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
loosening ties
Hello people. As I can't blog from home, Im gettin a friend to help me
post this.
Bloody sleepy today, came into class 30mins late and still got the
cheek to fall asleep. Haha. Ok to the main subject today. For the past few
days, Im starting to feel rather distant to almost everyone. Thankfully
I don't feel that way towards my family. It mostly effect my friends
and me. Firstly was my secondary school friends. Hadn't been in contact
with any of them since the end of year 1. Even when I see them online,
we don't chat. Even if we were to engage in a conversation, I wouldn't
even know what to say. Secondly, my classmate/Bestfriend in school,
Munir. Last year in year 1 we use to be soo bloody close. Never a time in
school you see us apart. Until recently, we had 2 new malay classmates.
Of cause we were very happy and excited to expand our small circle of
friend. But it seems that Munir and the other 2 seem to be getting along
far better than with me. Maybe there was a bit of jealousy involve. But
I don't really mind at all coz Im not entirely ignored. Except that now
Im used as a source for them to make fun of. Once again I don't really
mind, but there is a limit to one's patience. So far I've have not
shown any of my unhappiness. As 2 of the Taekwondo tenets says,
SELF-CONTROL and INDOMINABLE SPIRIT. Next comes TKD itself. Im in the committee
and am the assistant team captain. Most of the time, im pretty close to
the committee members. Others have commented that this comm won't make
it good or it's the worst comm ever. But so far we proved them wrong. We
had been working closely together and to what I observe, we had achieve
quite alot lately. Until recently...
Maybe I was blinded. I was too engross being the asst team capt and
trying to blend in with the comm that I may have oversee certain outcomes.
Slowly I can see the comm fall apart. I shan't say much or what is
happening, cause it maybe someone from the committee might be reading and I
don't want any conflict to arise.
But all this doesn't come without its good points, new friendship
arises and old ties have tighten. Today, went home with a certain friend. So
far my impression of him to me was, he was a damn good president(I
guess most of you might have figure him out) and nothing more. Today, my
impression of him changes, He had open himself to me and told me some
pretty personal stuffs. It was the first time the jolly, happy-go-lucky
guy turn into a sensitive and down-to-earth kind of guy. We was really
passionate about his girlfriend and loves his family very much. It was
the first time, I saw him choking back his tears. I really appreciate all
the advise you gave me man and don't worry I won't forget you for as
long as I live thats my promise to you bro.
Haiz I just hope that somewhere down this life journey, my life would
make a good turn. Well everyone will get his or her time or day. I guess
mine's not today.
Today's funniest advise I've gotten was "Hey, get a girlfriend ah"
Haha. Pretty surprise man. Usually people would say study first or wait
till after NS or something else ah. Haha.
Anyway, I guess I'll stop here. Shan't ramble too much. Gd nite poeple
and take care ciao
-blog out-
post this.
Bloody sleepy today, came into class 30mins late and still got the
cheek to fall asleep. Haha. Ok to the main subject today. For the past few
days, Im starting to feel rather distant to almost everyone. Thankfully
I don't feel that way towards my family. It mostly effect my friends
and me. Firstly was my secondary school friends. Hadn't been in contact
with any of them since the end of year 1. Even when I see them online,
we don't chat. Even if we were to engage in a conversation, I wouldn't
even know what to say. Secondly, my classmate/Bestfriend in school,
Munir. Last year in year 1 we use to be soo bloody close. Never a time in
school you see us apart. Until recently, we had 2 new malay classmates.
Of cause we were very happy and excited to expand our small circle of
friend. But it seems that Munir and the other 2 seem to be getting along
far better than with me. Maybe there was a bit of jealousy involve. But
I don't really mind at all coz Im not entirely ignored. Except that now
Im used as a source for them to make fun of. Once again I don't really
mind, but there is a limit to one's patience. So far I've have not
shown any of my unhappiness. As 2 of the Taekwondo tenets says,
SELF-CONTROL and INDOMINABLE SPIRIT. Next comes TKD itself. Im in the committee
and am the assistant team captain. Most of the time, im pretty close to
the committee members. Others have commented that this comm won't make
it good or it's the worst comm ever. But so far we proved them wrong. We
had been working closely together and to what I observe, we had achieve
quite alot lately. Until recently...
Maybe I was blinded. I was too engross being the asst team capt and
trying to blend in with the comm that I may have oversee certain outcomes.
Slowly I can see the comm fall apart. I shan't say much or what is
happening, cause it maybe someone from the committee might be reading and I
don't want any conflict to arise.
But all this doesn't come without its good points, new friendship
arises and old ties have tighten. Today, went home with a certain friend. So
far my impression of him to me was, he was a damn good president(I
guess most of you might have figure him out) and nothing more. Today, my
impression of him changes, He had open himself to me and told me some
pretty personal stuffs. It was the first time the jolly, happy-go-lucky
guy turn into a sensitive and down-to-earth kind of guy. We was really
passionate about his girlfriend and loves his family very much. It was
the first time, I saw him choking back his tears. I really appreciate all
the advise you gave me man and don't worry I won't forget you for as
long as I live thats my promise to you bro.
Haiz I just hope that somewhere down this life journey, my life would
make a good turn. Well everyone will get his or her time or day. I guess
mine's not today.
Today's funniest advise I've gotten was "Hey, get a girlfriend ah"
Haha. Pretty surprise man. Usually people would say study first or wait
till after NS or something else ah. Haha.
Anyway, I guess I'll stop here. Shan't ramble too much. Gd nite poeple
and take care ciao
-blog out-
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Stupid home pc
Test test. Fucking hell. In school now and I can blog. I guess it's my computer again. Argh. Gotta go home and fix the problem a.s.a.p
Just finish DC PBIL. It was easy. Do a flow chart at home then come to school. Work out the solution find out the fault in the system and hand in. Easy peasy. At the mean time I guess I'll type my blog in school. So I guess for my regular readers just bear with it can? please. OK gotta go now... bye take care
-blog out-
Just finish DC PBIL. It was easy. Do a flow chart at home then come to school. Work out the solution find out the fault in the system and hand in. Easy peasy. At the mean time I guess I'll type my blog in school. So I guess for my regular readers just bear with it can? please. OK gotta go now... bye take care
-blog out-
Sunday, September 19, 2004
stupid blogger
Hello people,
something is definately wrong with my blogger. I cant seem to type
anything in the body. I can only type the title. Well but somehow rather i
found an alternate way in typing in my blog. Type it in a notepad first
then copy paste in into the body. But the trick is. I have to be fast
enough. Or else the cursor will change. I bet most of you don't
understand what im saying. Nevermind. Coz you haven face this problem yet.
Anyway, back to my life. A lot, sure has happened since i last blog.
Had a friendly exchange programme with the NUS TKD. Got my ass kicked.
Sorry Sir Vince I guess I Wasn't ready yet.
My MST was held last week. Been studying so I hope I would pull thru.
Because of the new gradin system. Meaning no sub paper, lesser holidays
and lesser study week. We had to make each and every test count. Haiz
hope that I get at least a pass on each paper.
The past few days, old friends keep popping up out of nowhere in
friendster. Old primary schoolmates, secondary schoolmates, even people whom
i dunno but they know me, add me as their friend. Its not like im
complaining but at least leave a message that you are gonna add me. It's not
a guarantee that i'll remember you but at least tell me ur affilation
with me.
Then came a girl. Haha no in fact make it 3 girls. 2 whom I just got to
know thru friendster, kinda have taken a certain liking towards the
both of them. But its too early to tell. 1 is from SP also but she's in
DICT the other is from NP in the Early childhood coz. OK the 3rd girl.
She's kinda an old crush I had while in primary school. Use to hate boys
alot, so she would only hang around with the girls. But somehow she's
different from the rest. (I dunno but everytime "they" always seem
different to me. haha) Well I dunno bout my feelings towards her now. But we
seem to have reached a certain level or mutual understanding between
the both of us. My feelings towards a certain girl is still there. That
is why i cant really decide my feelings towards this new companion.
Anyway, time will tell.
Today wasnt really bad. Wanted to head down to BBDC to book my basic
theory but office hours close at 12. I reached there at 2 so my trip was
kinda wasted. Then went home slept the whole afternoon. Im such a
pig!!! Watched a little tv then now here i am tryin to solve my blog
Olrite its almost 2am. I guess i'll stop now and head to bed. Tml might be playing soccer with Munir and Muhammad.
ciao gd nite
-blog out-
something is definately wrong with my blogger. I cant seem to type
anything in the body. I can only type the title. Well but somehow rather i
found an alternate way in typing in my blog. Type it in a notepad first
then copy paste in into the body. But the trick is. I have to be fast
enough. Or else the cursor will change. I bet most of you don't
understand what im saying. Nevermind. Coz you haven face this problem yet.
Anyway, back to my life. A lot, sure has happened since i last blog.
Had a friendly exchange programme with the NUS TKD. Got my ass kicked.
Sorry Sir Vince I guess I Wasn't ready yet.
My MST was held last week. Been studying so I hope I would pull thru.
Because of the new gradin system. Meaning no sub paper, lesser holidays
and lesser study week. We had to make each and every test count. Haiz
hope that I get at least a pass on each paper.
The past few days, old friends keep popping up out of nowhere in
friendster. Old primary schoolmates, secondary schoolmates, even people whom
i dunno but they know me, add me as their friend. Its not like im
complaining but at least leave a message that you are gonna add me. It's not
a guarantee that i'll remember you but at least tell me ur affilation
with me.
Then came a girl. Haha no in fact make it 3 girls. 2 whom I just got to
know thru friendster, kinda have taken a certain liking towards the
both of them. But its too early to tell. 1 is from SP also but she's in
DICT the other is from NP in the Early childhood coz. OK the 3rd girl.
She's kinda an old crush I had while in primary school. Use to hate boys
alot, so she would only hang around with the girls. But somehow she's
different from the rest. (I dunno but everytime "they" always seem
different to me. haha) Well I dunno bout my feelings towards her now. But we
seem to have reached a certain level or mutual understanding between
the both of us. My feelings towards a certain girl is still there. That
is why i cant really decide my feelings towards this new companion.
Anyway, time will tell.
Today wasnt really bad. Wanted to head down to BBDC to book my basic
theory but office hours close at 12. I reached there at 2 so my trip was
kinda wasted. Then went home slept the whole afternoon. Im such a
pig!!! Watched a little tv then now here i am tryin to solve my blog
Olrite its almost 2am. I guess i'll stop now and head to bed. Tml might be playing soccer with Munir and Muhammad.
ciao gd nite
-blog out-
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Halo people....
Started my revisions already, coz next week is my MST week. Am feeling a little nervous though. Scared that i wouldnt do well. Yesterday studied with Munir, Bani and Muhd at SP's plaza. Studied then played a little magic trick during breaks in between. All i can say is that Bani is da man. He's juz like david blaine. His tricks were mind boggling haha. Beg him to teach us some of his tricks but being the true magician he is, he decline. "A magician never reveals his secrets".
Head to the TKD club meeting for awhile. Then went back the studying, couldnt really train with my head mentally tired and full of formulaes and stuffs. Went off at around 9 plus head down to the training ground for a 2nd meeting then head off to clementi with my bruddas. Had our usual drinks and mash potatoes. Talk for awhile then headed home.
Last night was one of those nights again. haiz.... Where by i couldnt sleep and my mind was constantly thinking. Showered then watched a little tv. My whole family had gone to bed, so i was alone outside. Wanted to play a little xbox but was getting bored of the games. Was channel hopping when I stopped at HBO. It was playing this movie "Two weeks noticed". Wasn't really keen at watchin at all but since there werent any other good shows i stuck to it. Surprisingly, I seem to enjoy the show. Sandra bullock and Hugh grant make a pretty good pair. The movie was funny and a little romance here and there. Then my mind started thinking once again. Somehow rather i kinda link the movie to what im feeling right now. I dunnno how i do it but it happens all the time even with songs. Its like you watch or listen to this particular song for so many times but you never really paid any attention to it but suddenly for one you happen to listen to the lyrics and woalah!!! it suits your predicament. Haiz so yeah was reminded again!!!! of a certain past.
Can't really help it. I dunno why. Maybe i've fallen too deeply. Been tryin to distract myself by thinking about other possiblilities but it will only work for a while, afterwhich i will think about her again. damn. Is this what they call Love Suicide? Maybe. So many advises i've receive, so many help i had received all in vain. Feel like getting down on my knees and beg her. But she belongs to another. Well her heart that is.
Recently i've been, hopelessly reaching. Out for this girl, whose out of this world. Believe me. She's got a boyfriend(I hope not)
who drives me round the bend.
Coz he's 23(i dunno how old ah juz guess), He's in the marines(not exactly marines, NS)
He'll kill me(gulp!!!).
So many nights now(make it every night),
I find myself thinkin about her right now.
Coz obviously, she out of my league,(she's smart, im not)
how can i win she keeps dragging me in(help!!!!),
and i know i,
never will be good enough for her(Haiz......)
I dunno what to do. Haiz.... well gotta go now. Will be going off for a family movie. Gotta run bye..... take care people
-blog out-
Started my revisions already, coz next week is my MST week. Am feeling a little nervous though. Scared that i wouldnt do well. Yesterday studied with Munir, Bani and Muhd at SP's plaza. Studied then played a little magic trick during breaks in between. All i can say is that Bani is da man. He's juz like david blaine. His tricks were mind boggling haha. Beg him to teach us some of his tricks but being the true magician he is, he decline. "A magician never reveals his secrets".
Head to the TKD club meeting for awhile. Then went back the studying, couldnt really train with my head mentally tired and full of formulaes and stuffs. Went off at around 9 plus head down to the training ground for a 2nd meeting then head off to clementi with my bruddas. Had our usual drinks and mash potatoes. Talk for awhile then headed home.
Last night was one of those nights again. haiz.... Where by i couldnt sleep and my mind was constantly thinking. Showered then watched a little tv. My whole family had gone to bed, so i was alone outside. Wanted to play a little xbox but was getting bored of the games. Was channel hopping when I stopped at HBO. It was playing this movie "Two weeks noticed". Wasn't really keen at watchin at all but since there werent any other good shows i stuck to it. Surprisingly, I seem to enjoy the show. Sandra bullock and Hugh grant make a pretty good pair. The movie was funny and a little romance here and there. Then my mind started thinking once again. Somehow rather i kinda link the movie to what im feeling right now. I dunnno how i do it but it happens all the time even with songs. Its like you watch or listen to this particular song for so many times but you never really paid any attention to it but suddenly for one you happen to listen to the lyrics and woalah!!! it suits your predicament. Haiz so yeah was reminded again!!!! of a certain past.
Can't really help it. I dunno why. Maybe i've fallen too deeply. Been tryin to distract myself by thinking about other possiblilities but it will only work for a while, afterwhich i will think about her again. damn. Is this what they call Love Suicide? Maybe. So many advises i've receive, so many help i had received all in vain. Feel like getting down on my knees and beg her. But she belongs to another. Well her heart that is.
Recently i've been, hopelessly reaching. Out for this girl, whose out of this world. Believe me. She's got a boyfriend(I hope not)
who drives me round the bend.
Coz he's 23(i dunno how old ah juz guess), He's in the marines(not exactly marines, NS)
He'll kill me(gulp!!!).
So many nights now(make it every night),
I find myself thinkin about her right now.
Coz obviously, she out of my league,(she's smart, im not)
how can i win she keeps dragging me in(help!!!!),
and i know i,
never will be good enough for her(Haiz......)
I dunno what to do. Haiz.... well gotta go now. Will be going off for a family movie. Gotta run bye..... take care people
-blog out-
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Random Ramblings
Hello there people.... miss me? haha i bet not. Well its been awhile since i wrote here. Basically there isnt anything for me to write/type. Life basically the same as ever except that I notice a slight change. Its been much more quieter nowadays. There use to be a time when It was full of laughter everyday. Now slowly those days are fading away. Sometimes I think, maybe its the things that i do or the decisions i make have in the past triggered these happenings. Watched "Final Destination 2" on HBO. A line from the movie set me thinking "Being alive after we are suppose to die, caused an outward ripple. A rift in death's design". The survivors of the highway crash were discussing their near death experience. When they realise that they were somehow related to the previous "Final Destination" show. Meaning, the survivors of the previous show, had interfered with their death. Causing their deaths to be somewhat postponed or delayed. Causing a rift or disturbance in death's "death list".
I was then thinking, what if I had behave or acted differently in the past would it have effected the future(the present) in a whole different way. I might have not entered poly and be in JC. Maybe my life would have been a whole lot brighter or might have been worst. Actually Im thinking of other situations which I decline to mention because you may never know who might be reading this. The bottom line is would my life have been better or worst if i had made a different decision? I dunno, only gods knows. Look up about the "butterfly effect theory". It was kinda difficult to understand at first. I still don't fully understand the concept but I still manage to catch a bit here and there. It's basically the same as the "Chaos Theory". The scientist came up with a simple theory that, "If a butterfly in America were to flap its wings once today, It might have cause a hurricane in Manila in the next few months" In short the actions of the butterfly today might alter the cause of history in the next month. You may never know the fart that you let out during lunch just now might be the cause of a huge typhoon or rather prevented the typhoon from happening. Of cause the changes aren't immediate but in the long run further down the road, the changes becomes obvious.
One scientist did an experiment. He measure the weather patterns of a certain country for a certain number of months. Noted down the results and tried to clone the same patterns by simulating them in the computer. The results were not immediate but after a few months, he noticed a big change in both results. He then realise that while trying to simulate the same pattern, he had only keyed in numbers which are before the decimal point. "eg. previous results: 1234.0023 keyed in result to simulate: 1234" It our eyes the different ain't that big because its the same 1234.0023 and 1234. In the early part of the graphs, the waves were the same but after a certain time, the waves differ.
Well thats the best I could understand and try to explain. Maybe you guys should go check it out to understand it more. Its rather interesting. Its weird but cant help thinking what my situation would be right now if had not done things that I've done in the past. Damn gettin writers block now. Suddenly my mind just went blank. Shit shit shit. Cant recall what I had wanted to write. Ah nvm maybe its for the best. Maybe not writing what im suppose to write will cause something good to happen? or maybe the other way round? who knows... I'll just hav to wait and see....
So next time before you do anything, think what it might do to you or others in the future.... hehehe.... enjoy pondering..... bye
-blog out-
I was then thinking, what if I had behave or acted differently in the past would it have effected the future(the present) in a whole different way. I might have not entered poly and be in JC. Maybe my life would have been a whole lot brighter or might have been worst. Actually Im thinking of other situations which I decline to mention because you may never know who might be reading this. The bottom line is would my life have been better or worst if i had made a different decision? I dunno, only gods knows. Look up about the "butterfly effect theory". It was kinda difficult to understand at first. I still don't fully understand the concept but I still manage to catch a bit here and there. It's basically the same as the "Chaos Theory". The scientist came up with a simple theory that, "If a butterfly in America were to flap its wings once today, It might have cause a hurricane in Manila in the next few months" In short the actions of the butterfly today might alter the cause of history in the next month. You may never know the fart that you let out during lunch just now might be the cause of a huge typhoon or rather prevented the typhoon from happening. Of cause the changes aren't immediate but in the long run further down the road, the changes becomes obvious.
One scientist did an experiment. He measure the weather patterns of a certain country for a certain number of months. Noted down the results and tried to clone the same patterns by simulating them in the computer. The results were not immediate but after a few months, he noticed a big change in both results. He then realise that while trying to simulate the same pattern, he had only keyed in numbers which are before the decimal point. "eg. previous results: 1234.0023 keyed in result to simulate: 1234" It our eyes the different ain't that big because its the same 1234.0023 and 1234. In the early part of the graphs, the waves were the same but after a certain time, the waves differ.
Well thats the best I could understand and try to explain. Maybe you guys should go check it out to understand it more. Its rather interesting. Its weird but cant help thinking what my situation would be right now if had not done things that I've done in the past. Damn gettin writers block now. Suddenly my mind just went blank. Shit shit shit. Cant recall what I had wanted to write. Ah nvm maybe its for the best. Maybe not writing what im suppose to write will cause something good to happen? or maybe the other way round? who knows... I'll just hav to wait and see....
So next time before you do anything, think what it might do to you or others in the future.... hehehe.... enjoy pondering..... bye
-blog out-
Random Ramblings
Hello there people.... miss me? haha i bet not. Well its been awhile since i wrote here. Basically there isnt anything for me to write/type. Life basically the same as ever except that I notice a slight change. Its been much more quieter nowadays. There use to be a time when It was full of laughter everyday. Now slowly those days are fading away. Sometimes I think, maybe its the things that i do or the decisions i make have in the past triggered these happenings. Watched "Final Destination 2" on HBO. A line from the movie set me thinking "Being alive after we are suppose to die, caused an outward ripple. A rift in death's design". The survivors of the highway crash were discussing their near death experience. When they realise that they were somehow related to the previous "Final Destination" show. Meaning, the survivors of the previous show, had interfered with their death. Causing their deaths to be somewhat postponed or delayed. Causing a rift or disturbance in death's "death list".
I was then thinking, what if I had behave or acted differently in the past would it have effected the future(the present) in a whole different way. I might have not entered poly and be in JC. Maybe my life would have been a whole lot brighter or might have been worst. Actually Im thinking of other situations which I decline to mention because you may never know who might be reading this. The bottom line is would my life have been better or worst if i had made a different decision? I dunno, only gods knows. Look up about the "butterfly effect theory". It was kinda difficult to understand at first. I still don't fully understand the concept but I still manage to catch a bit here and there. It's basically the same as the "Chaos Theory". The scientist came up with a simple theory that, "If a butterfly in America were to flap its wings once today, It might have cause a hurricane in Manila in the next few months" In short the actions of the butterfly today might alter the cause of history in the next month. You may never know the fart that you let out during lunch just now might be the cause of a huge typhoon or rather prevented the typhoon from happening. Of cause the changes aren't immediate but in the long run further down the road, the changes becomes obvious.
One scientist did an experiment. He measure the weather patterns of a certain country for a certain number of months. Noted down the results and tried to clone the same patterns by simulating them in the computer. The results were not immediate but after a few months, he noticed a big change in both results. He then realise that while trying to simulate the same pattern, he had only keyed in numbers which are before the decimal point. "eg. previous results: 1234.0023 keyed in result to simulate: 1234" It our eyes the different ain't that big because its the same 1234.0023 and 1234. In the early part of the graphs, the waves were the same but after a certain time, the waves differ.
Well thats the best I could understand and try to explain. Maybe you guys should go check it out to understand it more. Its rather interesting. Its weird but cant help thinking what my situation would be right now if had not done things that I've done in the past. Damn gettin writers block now. Suddenly my mind just went blank. Shit shit shit. Cant recall what I had wanted to write. Ah nvm maybe its for the best. Maybe not writing what im suppose to write will cause something good to happen? or maybe the other way round? who knows... I'll just hav to wait and see....
So next time before you do anything, think what it might do to you or others in the future.... hehehe.... enjoy pondering..... bye
-blog out-
I was then thinking, what if I had behave or acted differently in the past would it have effected the future(the present) in a whole different way. I might have not entered poly and be in JC. Maybe my life would have been a whole lot brighter or might have been worst. Actually Im thinking of other situations which I decline to mention because you may never know who might be reading this. The bottom line is would my life have been better or worst if i had made a different decision? I dunno, only gods knows. Look up about the "butterfly effect theory". It was kinda difficult to understand at first. I still don't fully understand the concept but I still manage to catch a bit here and there. It's basically the same as the "Chaos Theory". The scientist came up with a simple theory that, "If a butterfly in America were to flap its wings once today, It might have cause a hurricane in Manila in the next few months" In short the actions of the butterfly today might alter the cause of history in the next month. You may never know the fart that you let out during lunch just now might be the cause of a huge typhoon or rather prevented the typhoon from happening. Of cause the changes aren't immediate but in the long run further down the road, the changes becomes obvious.
One scientist did an experiment. He measure the weather patterns of a certain country for a certain number of months. Noted down the results and tried to clone the same patterns by simulating them in the computer. The results were not immediate but after a few months, he noticed a big change in both results. He then realise that while trying to simulate the same pattern, he had only keyed in numbers which are before the decimal point. "eg. previous results: 1234.0023 keyed in result to simulate: 1234" It our eyes the different ain't that big because its the same 1234.0023 and 1234. In the early part of the graphs, the waves were the same but after a certain time, the waves differ.
Well thats the best I could understand and try to explain. Maybe you guys should go check it out to understand it more. Its rather interesting. Its weird but cant help thinking what my situation would be right now if had not done things that I've done in the past. Damn gettin writers block now. Suddenly my mind just went blank. Shit shit shit. Cant recall what I had wanted to write. Ah nvm maybe its for the best. Maybe not writing what im suppose to write will cause something good to happen? or maybe the other way round? who knows... I'll just hav to wait and see....
So next time before you do anything, think what it might do to you or others in the future.... hehehe.... enjoy pondering..... bye
-blog out-
Friday, August 13, 2004
Another day, same shit, everyday........
Halo, sorry for not having blogging for quite awhile.
Anyway, watched i robot with Munir and Wan on Wednesday, at Bugis. I must say its a very good movie. Then the next day, thursday, meet up with Din for awhile at the clubhouse to discuss bout the upcoming TKD national tournament. Was thinking of heading home after the discussion, but Din wanted to slack around plus he offered to treat me to a movie. So what kind of person would refuse such an offer. So yeah I went along. Went to Bugis, again, bought tickets to "Collateral". Show was scheduled at 5.15 but the time was only 3plus. So we window shop around. Din bought his sling bag, while i just hang back and feast my eyes at the finer things in life. The movie aint that bad. It was kinda weird to see Tom Cruise as a villian but it turn out ok. I figured his silver hair did the trick. Went home, watch the "swearing in", then the OC then went to sleep.
Woke up, felt extremely tired dunno why, Couldnt keep my eyes open for CA lecture. 3 vending machines at T12 and all 3 aint working, come on what are the odds of all 3 breaking down. Haiz nvm. In class now. Finish my APRG lab in record time. So while waiting for friday prayer time, decide to blog in for awhile.
Have you guys ever wonder or experience this feeling before? You see someone you hate, well not actually hate, let say, you just somehow dont like this particular person but you dont have the heart to tell him/her. If you meet up, you'll pretend to be friends, put up a smile and etc.
Well ya, last wednesday or was it tuesday? nvm. I saw this person whom I not hate but dislike. I dunno why i feel that way but maybe because of some certain events. Both of us got off the train at dover. He didnt notice me, I was behind him all the way. I could have walked infront or beside him easily, but nah I dont wanna increase any tension between us. But somehow in my mind, im picturing myself beating the shit out of him. Although it didnt happen, but i sure wish i could, I kinda felt happy or rather relief. Maybe it was just a psychological effect. It kinda brighten up my day. Haha I sound kinda crazy. nvm maybe i am crazy....
haiz, maybe later trainin could cheer me up today.....
nothing elso to write now ciao......
-blog out-
Anyway, watched i robot with Munir and Wan on Wednesday, at Bugis. I must say its a very good movie. Then the next day, thursday, meet up with Din for awhile at the clubhouse to discuss bout the upcoming TKD national tournament. Was thinking of heading home after the discussion, but Din wanted to slack around plus he offered to treat me to a movie. So what kind of person would refuse such an offer. So yeah I went along. Went to Bugis, again, bought tickets to "Collateral". Show was scheduled at 5.15 but the time was only 3plus. So we window shop around. Din bought his sling bag, while i just hang back and feast my eyes at the finer things in life. The movie aint that bad. It was kinda weird to see Tom Cruise as a villian but it turn out ok. I figured his silver hair did the trick. Went home, watch the "swearing in", then the OC then went to sleep.
Woke up, felt extremely tired dunno why, Couldnt keep my eyes open for CA lecture. 3 vending machines at T12 and all 3 aint working, come on what are the odds of all 3 breaking down. Haiz nvm. In class now. Finish my APRG lab in record time. So while waiting for friday prayer time, decide to blog in for awhile.
Have you guys ever wonder or experience this feeling before? You see someone you hate, well not actually hate, let say, you just somehow dont like this particular person but you dont have the heart to tell him/her. If you meet up, you'll pretend to be friends, put up a smile and etc.
Well ya, last wednesday or was it tuesday? nvm. I saw this person whom I not hate but dislike. I dunno why i feel that way but maybe because of some certain events. Both of us got off the train at dover. He didnt notice me, I was behind him all the way. I could have walked infront or beside him easily, but nah I dont wanna increase any tension between us. But somehow in my mind, im picturing myself beating the shit out of him. Although it didnt happen, but i sure wish i could, I kinda felt happy or rather relief. Maybe it was just a psychological effect. It kinda brighten up my day. Haha I sound kinda crazy. nvm maybe i am crazy....
haiz, maybe later trainin could cheer me up today.....
nothing elso to write now ciao......
-blog out-
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Freshman Camp
Hiya people, how was ur weekend?
Well i spend mine over at Singapore Poly for the TKD freshman orientation camp. Camp started on Friday, 7pm. Training for that day was canceled. I was put in charge of the food. So in short im in the ration party. Expected number of participants was about 70 but it came to a disappointing 50 people. I was lucky that I was able to change the catering order from 70 to 50 or else, we will be wasting 20 packets of rice. So ya, only 50 turn up including the seniors and committee.
The first day didnt do much, played some ice breaker games. I didnt join in though, was kinda down in the chumps. Heard that about 80% of those who went to the last grading got double promotion. But i was the unfortunate 20%. I know that it isnt such a big a deal but I was kinda looking forward to gettin double this time round. Wanna get that blue belt around my waist. Now im stuck with Sa Jang(Blue tip). Again that bloody pattern, first time IVP, second time Whompoa...... argh. If i dont get double the next time round, there is definately something wrong with me. Prepared supper. Was lookin at the freshmen reaction. Dunno if they mind eating bread and biscuits for the next few days for both breakfast and supper. Luckily nobody complain. After supper, hit the sack. Couldnt sleep, forgot my sleeping bag and it was bloody cold.
Woke up early the next morning to make breakfast. The bloody powerpoint not working. So there was a slight delay in making the milo. After breakfast was some small games then lunch then the tele matches. Din, Me, Yum, Sops and Adam played basketball one corner while the rest had their tele-matches. After a few rounds of ABC, Din, Me and Sops decided to take a nap before setting up for Dinner. Mif was havin too much fun to join us. So yeah we went to sleep. Woke up halfway to find Edmund out president asleep next to me. haha. So he also know how to "tuang" haha. Set up for dinner then after which was free time before their night walk. So i decided to use that short time to mingle around. Haven been doing that since the start of camp. Then came their night walk. Decided to join in. The freshmen were blindfolded so we had fun directing them. Asking them do stupid stuffs like to jump over a drain, which in fact there isnt any in front of them. But the most fun I had was with Hairol and Edmund. 1 of the freshie, Rahman. He's actually a nice guy lah, but typically crazy just like mif and us. So we had alot of fun with him. We did quite alot towards him than the rest. But it was fun. Rahman was a good sport so i guess he didnt mind. After the night walk, had supper then lights off.
Woke up the next morning to prepare breakfast again, then pack up to head down to NTC (National training centre) for the National exchange programme. The seniors had an invitation to spar with the national team. I would sign up for the challenge but i was underbelt plus national team only spar with Brown belt and above. Lastly I dont think im good enough to spar that level yet. Our seniors did ok despite, being trashed by the national team. Sir Vince, our coach was pretty impress with our performance. Had lunch then we break off from the centre. Head home with Din, Yum and Adam. Had a pit stop at Clementi to quench our thirst. Then took 99 home.
So now here i am updating my weekend experience had fun lah..... gotta go now ciao
before i go, wanna share with u guys a picture of us taken with the national team at NTC. enjoy!!!
-blog out-
Well i spend mine over at Singapore Poly for the TKD freshman orientation camp. Camp started on Friday, 7pm. Training for that day was canceled. I was put in charge of the food. So in short im in the ration party. Expected number of participants was about 70 but it came to a disappointing 50 people. I was lucky that I was able to change the catering order from 70 to 50 or else, we will be wasting 20 packets of rice. So ya, only 50 turn up including the seniors and committee.
The first day didnt do much, played some ice breaker games. I didnt join in though, was kinda down in the chumps. Heard that about 80% of those who went to the last grading got double promotion. But i was the unfortunate 20%. I know that it isnt such a big a deal but I was kinda looking forward to gettin double this time round. Wanna get that blue belt around my waist. Now im stuck with Sa Jang(Blue tip). Again that bloody pattern, first time IVP, second time Whompoa...... argh. If i dont get double the next time round, there is definately something wrong with me. Prepared supper. Was lookin at the freshmen reaction. Dunno if they mind eating bread and biscuits for the next few days for both breakfast and supper. Luckily nobody complain. After supper, hit the sack. Couldnt sleep, forgot my sleeping bag and it was bloody cold.
Woke up early the next morning to make breakfast. The bloody powerpoint not working. So there was a slight delay in making the milo. After breakfast was some small games then lunch then the tele matches. Din, Me, Yum, Sops and Adam played basketball one corner while the rest had their tele-matches. After a few rounds of ABC, Din, Me and Sops decided to take a nap before setting up for Dinner. Mif was havin too much fun to join us. So yeah we went to sleep. Woke up halfway to find Edmund out president asleep next to me. haha. So he also know how to "tuang" haha. Set up for dinner then after which was free time before their night walk. So i decided to use that short time to mingle around. Haven been doing that since the start of camp. Then came their night walk. Decided to join in. The freshmen were blindfolded so we had fun directing them. Asking them do stupid stuffs like to jump over a drain, which in fact there isnt any in front of them. But the most fun I had was with Hairol and Edmund. 1 of the freshie, Rahman. He's actually a nice guy lah, but typically crazy just like mif and us. So we had alot of fun with him. We did quite alot towards him than the rest. But it was fun. Rahman was a good sport so i guess he didnt mind. After the night walk, had supper then lights off.
Woke up the next morning to prepare breakfast again, then pack up to head down to NTC (National training centre) for the National exchange programme. The seniors had an invitation to spar with the national team. I would sign up for the challenge but i was underbelt plus national team only spar with Brown belt and above. Lastly I dont think im good enough to spar that level yet. Our seniors did ok despite, being trashed by the national team. Sir Vince, our coach was pretty impress with our performance. Had lunch then we break off from the centre. Head home with Din, Yum and Adam. Had a pit stop at Clementi to quench our thirst. Then took 99 home.
So now here i am updating my weekend experience had fun lah..... gotta go now ciao
before i go, wanna share with u guys a picture of us taken with the national team at NTC. enjoy!!!

-blog out-
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Random thoughts
Juz when I thought life was starting to get better. Was suddenly reminded of a certain past, Injured myself again during training and im experiencing a strong sense of dejavu.
Been thinking, will I ever be good in Taekwondo? SP have been producing very good fighters. Well look at the seniors, if you need prove. Now with the new batches. Surely not all are good, maybe 1 or 2 blacksheeps will surely appear. At first, when I joined, I didnt really thought much bout the rest. I didnt have any friends. So naturally, I thought i was the best, among the newbies. Elmo was always picking on me and the rest were always commenting that my kick was powerful and such. So I was pretty confident of my abilities. After my first grading, my ego was greatly boosted when I learn that I got a double. People whom I had thought that would get, didnt and people whom I thought would not, got it. I was aiming for a 2nd double since then and have yet to achieve it. Some of my compatriots, had gotten their 2nd double, some even had their 3rd. I was starting to lose hope but I held on. Then came my greatest blow. My turning kick sucks. I couldn't even do a proper high turning kick. My groin muscle seem to be rather stiff. Maybe its all due to lack of stretching or warm up. But I have been doing extra stretching before the training, and why I still can't kick. Others hav long overtook me. Hairul, Zheng Kai, Jarrich even the girls are showing something. Now Im starting to think maybe Im not cut out to be among the best. Im having doubts about my abilities. Maybe Im more of an academic person rather than a sports kind of person. Maybe Im those nerd kinds whom all girls look down upon, wear those dorky glasses, either flabby or as thin "satay" stick kind or person. Never the popular, handsome type.
Heh, sure lots of negativity today. Nvm, dunno wat to type bout today so might as well ramble ramdomly.....
No matter how much I try, no matter what I do, I cant seem to get her out of my system.
"Met a girl Thought she was grand Fell in love Found out first hand Went well For a week or two Then it all came unglued In a trapped trip I can't grip Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip Then I started to realise I was living one big lie"
But i cant seem to forget......
"i wish that you would just leave because your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone
these wounds won't seem to health is pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase"
As much as i hate it, I miss her. But the thing is....
"She f***ing hates me Trust She f***ing hates me La, la, la, la I tried too hard And she tore my feelings Like I had none And ripped them away"
heh, more ramdom ramblings.....
Ok them came another blow, met someone new. Well not new ah. An old long lost friend. Use to have a crush on her in primary school. She not the popular type whom every guys wants to date or even the type who every guys dislike, she was juz the average girl next door type. She's still attractive to me though after all this years. Not wanting to repeat old mistakes, I vow to myself never to reveal my true feelings. I don't have to tell how I feel, she will know and I will know, when the time comes.
The past 3 days, I was busy, and never came online. So 3 days I hadnt chat with her. Today, was hoping to chat with her. She was online, I was beginning to get happy, when I saw her nick. It was in malay but the translation goes like this.
"For the first time, the doors of my heart, are being knocked by 3 guys. Haiz Dilemma"
Being myself, I pull myself together and said Hey, ask how is she and tried to lend a listening ear. She doesnt suspect a thing that I like her. Gave her a few advice and I can tell that she was very grateful towards me. Am happy for that. But as I've promise myself, I wont reveal my feelings. Let her figure it herself. I rather hurt myself than to hurt the ones I love. To think of it. She use to hate boys when she was in primary school. Use to scream and shout at the boys, Which included me of coz. Haha.
Ok lah enought rambling for today..... my finger are starting to get tired of typing. Will blog in..... um soon I hope....haha getting tired of blogging. haiz anyway, dont worry I wont stop blogging completely, coz this seems to be the only way I could express myself freely...... bye for now ...... ciao
-blog out-
Been thinking, will I ever be good in Taekwondo? SP have been producing very good fighters. Well look at the seniors, if you need prove. Now with the new batches. Surely not all are good, maybe 1 or 2 blacksheeps will surely appear. At first, when I joined, I didnt really thought much bout the rest. I didnt have any friends. So naturally, I thought i was the best, among the newbies. Elmo was always picking on me and the rest were always commenting that my kick was powerful and such. So I was pretty confident of my abilities. After my first grading, my ego was greatly boosted when I learn that I got a double. People whom I had thought that would get, didnt and people whom I thought would not, got it. I was aiming for a 2nd double since then and have yet to achieve it. Some of my compatriots, had gotten their 2nd double, some even had their 3rd. I was starting to lose hope but I held on. Then came my greatest blow. My turning kick sucks. I couldn't even do a proper high turning kick. My groin muscle seem to be rather stiff. Maybe its all due to lack of stretching or warm up. But I have been doing extra stretching before the training, and why I still can't kick. Others hav long overtook me. Hairul, Zheng Kai, Jarrich even the girls are showing something. Now Im starting to think maybe Im not cut out to be among the best. Im having doubts about my abilities. Maybe Im more of an academic person rather than a sports kind of person. Maybe Im those nerd kinds whom all girls look down upon, wear those dorky glasses, either flabby or as thin "satay" stick kind or person. Never the popular, handsome type.
Heh, sure lots of negativity today. Nvm, dunno wat to type bout today so might as well ramble ramdomly.....
No matter how much I try, no matter what I do, I cant seem to get her out of my system.
"Met a girl Thought she was grand Fell in love Found out first hand Went well For a week or two Then it all came unglued In a trapped trip I can't grip Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip Then I started to realise I was living one big lie"
But i cant seem to forget......
"i wish that you would just leave because your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone
these wounds won't seem to health is pain is just too real there's just too much that time cannot erase"
As much as i hate it, I miss her. But the thing is....
"She f***ing hates me Trust She f***ing hates me La, la, la, la I tried too hard And she tore my feelings Like I had none And ripped them away"
heh, more ramdom ramblings.....
Ok them came another blow, met someone new. Well not new ah. An old long lost friend. Use to have a crush on her in primary school. She not the popular type whom every guys wants to date or even the type who every guys dislike, she was juz the average girl next door type. She's still attractive to me though after all this years. Not wanting to repeat old mistakes, I vow to myself never to reveal my true feelings. I don't have to tell how I feel, she will know and I will know, when the time comes.
The past 3 days, I was busy, and never came online. So 3 days I hadnt chat with her. Today, was hoping to chat with her. She was online, I was beginning to get happy, when I saw her nick. It was in malay but the translation goes like this.
"For the first time, the doors of my heart, are being knocked by 3 guys. Haiz Dilemma"
Being myself, I pull myself together and said Hey, ask how is she and tried to lend a listening ear. She doesnt suspect a thing that I like her. Gave her a few advice and I can tell that she was very grateful towards me. Am happy for that. But as I've promise myself, I wont reveal my feelings. Let her figure it herself. I rather hurt myself than to hurt the ones I love. To think of it. She use to hate boys when she was in primary school. Use to scream and shout at the boys, Which included me of coz. Haha.
Ok lah enought rambling for today..... my finger are starting to get tired of typing. Will blog in..... um soon I hope....haha getting tired of blogging. haiz anyway, dont worry I wont stop blogging completely, coz this seems to be the only way I could express myself freely...... bye for now ...... ciao
-blog out-
Monday, July 12, 2004
"Sometimes to do the right thing, we have to give up the things we want the most"
Am starting to feel go about myself again. A lot of good things are happening. Firstly let me just start by saying. SPIDERMAN 2 RULEZ!!!!!
Yeah finally it has came out, the long awaited sequal to the most anticipated comic superhero around. SPIDERMAN. And I get to watch it, not once, not twice but 3 times. Yeah some of you may say its a waste of money and such. But Its worth it, every single dollar and cent spent. Ok enough bout spiderman and lets talk bout other factors that has a positive impact on me. School has started and finally new additions to the malay dua of the class, Munir and Me. Muhammad, a repeat 3rd year student has joined us. That makes us the 3 Ms or rather the 3 musketeers. (Notice the 1st letter of our names starts with M. Hahha)
Next, the resurface of old friends. Ex primary school mates. Out of the blue, my old friends have somehow manage to track me down, thru Friendster. (Really appreciate the creator/s of friendster. Without them, this wouldnt have happen) The best part is, I use to have a crush on one of them, way back in primary school. So yeah. Its wonderful to see them again.
Today, I dunno what happen but when I woke up today, I felt different. I felt happier than usual. Was concentrating in class. In fact 1st time I didnt fall asleep in a lecture haha. Was smiling the whole day. Smiling that everyone I see, regardless I know them or not. Some even return the smile. So that really sets my day. Went jogging just now with Dad and my 3 sisters. After dinner, rest for awhile than around 10, we set out for our run. Lead them for the warm up. Dad desperately need to loose weight. Doctor's orders. Dad ans sisters start slow. I ran ahead. With my Muvo, and I time myself. Manage to clock roughly 12.33mins for 2.4km. Very bad. but slowly will work on it. Need to improve. I have Hafiz to motivate me. He clock 2.4 under 9.30mins. So if he can do it. I can also. But will do it slow and steady. Haiz ok lah gonna go shower than maybe gonna hit the sack. ciao and good nite....
-blog out-
Yeah finally it has came out, the long awaited sequal to the most anticipated comic superhero around. SPIDERMAN. And I get to watch it, not once, not twice but 3 times. Yeah some of you may say its a waste of money and such. But Its worth it, every single dollar and cent spent. Ok enough bout spiderman and lets talk bout other factors that has a positive impact on me. School has started and finally new additions to the malay dua of the class, Munir and Me. Muhammad, a repeat 3rd year student has joined us. That makes us the 3 Ms or rather the 3 musketeers. (Notice the 1st letter of our names starts with M. Hahha)
Next, the resurface of old friends. Ex primary school mates. Out of the blue, my old friends have somehow manage to track me down, thru Friendster. (Really appreciate the creator/s of friendster. Without them, this wouldnt have happen) The best part is, I use to have a crush on one of them, way back in primary school. So yeah. Its wonderful to see them again.
Today, I dunno what happen but when I woke up today, I felt different. I felt happier than usual. Was concentrating in class. In fact 1st time I didnt fall asleep in a lecture haha. Was smiling the whole day. Smiling that everyone I see, regardless I know them or not. Some even return the smile. So that really sets my day. Went jogging just now with Dad and my 3 sisters. After dinner, rest for awhile than around 10, we set out for our run. Lead them for the warm up. Dad desperately need to loose weight. Doctor's orders. Dad ans sisters start slow. I ran ahead. With my Muvo, and I time myself. Manage to clock roughly 12.33mins for 2.4km. Very bad. but slowly will work on it. Need to improve. I have Hafiz to motivate me. He clock 2.4 under 9.30mins. So if he can do it. I can also. But will do it slow and steady. Haiz ok lah gonna go shower than maybe gonna hit the sack. ciao and good nite....
-blog out-
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Nothing in particular
Its been awhile since I've blog in. Actually am kinda lazy to blog in. Well maybe when school reopens tml, there might be something interesting worth writing down. Well Nothing much happened during the hols. Went out with family and frens. Went for 2 camps. Specialist coz 1 and 2. Its been awhile since I've actually contributed anything to NCC. Always been busy with my other CCA, Taekwondo. Its not like im complaining or anything, Its just that Im getting tired of it actually. Just like the way Im feeling right now with this blog. But don't worry no matter how tired I am, I won't completely stop blogging, unless due to some unforseen circumstances. I figured maybe attending 1 or 2 camps wouldn't be so bad since Im not working or doing anything these hols. Plus its been awhile since I've don my No4 or No3. Feels good to be wearing it once again. Plus I need to brush up on my NCC skills. It was getting kinda rusty. During Phase 1, I was at a total lost. Although I didnt show it, but I learn fast. Its just a matter or recalling and remembering. Phase 2 was slightly better. Met up with old aquintances, like Roy, Sukhbir, Razali, Keith and Richard. Even made new friends, from the newer CLT batches and some from the older batches, like Kevin Po, "Mother", Hamza, Yazid and etc. The list would go on forever. After phase 2, was thinking when would be my 2nd NCC assignment? Didnt have to wait long, was asked to help out with the Singapore Youth Festival preparation. Was given the Gate 1 OIC post. 2 Junior Clts were under me plus 2 Guards men. Haha, can you believe it, Im in charge of 2 Guards men. The rehearsals were ok, went smoothly. But came the actually day, a few cock ups. We were actually short of man power(My Gate i mean was short or man power) My 2 Junior CLTs were gone so were the 2 Guards men. I know tat 1 or the clts had gone over to the carpark to fetch the contigents to the Gate. Aparently, the other clt whom I had told him to stand guard at the rear end of the gate had gone over to join his friend whom I had station at the carpark. I got screwed by Warrant Marthi, for letting outsiders into the Gate. So I com, thru the com set, to the carpark oic to recall my fellow clt, while I went around searching for the other guy(whom was with the carpark fellow) and the 2 Guards men whom had disappeared into thin air. Finally saw the 2 fellow Clts coming back together. Screwed the other fellow upside down. The whole of Gate 1 was looking at us. Who cares bout them anyway, I got screwed so now Im screwing his ass. Explain the situation to Warrant Marthi and manage to get another clt attach to me. Now 1 problem settled, next need to find the 2 Guards men. Finally found them sitting in a corner playing with their Gameboys. Boy was I pissed. Told them off(in a nice but firm way). Can see that they were unhappy with me but I was the Gate OIC and I gotta control my men. After that incident, everything went fine. The event was a success, even the weather was kind to us. Besides the slight drizzle, the weather was fine throughout. After the event went to have dinner with my parents, In my long 4 haha, everyone was staring at me. Met my secondary school teacher, Mr Thomas. It was a pleasent surprise. He was considered my "father" in school. He was my prefect master and I was kinda his favorite. He was even training me to be the Head prefect but I decline, since my grades were falling pretty bad. Come to think of it, It was a dumb move. Falling grades was a silly excuse. In fact the real reason was me. I wasn't confident enough to take up the challenge. Well was done is done, cant change the past only learn from my mistakes.
Well tonight's the night, Euro 2004 finals. Portugal Vs Greece. Its funny to think of it. They were the opening match and now they are the closing match. Don't know whom to support. All my favorites are out. Italy, Spain and Holland. Pretty disappointed with their performances. As for who will win, all I can say is may the best team wins.
Have you ever had any feelings like, You've just met this particular someone and you already like him/her. Well its happening to me all the time. Actually its not someone its someone, someone, someone and someone. All all 4 of them are not new friends but old ones whom I've started to take a liking upon. 2 of them were primary school friends. Whom recently had pop out of no where and added me in Friendster. 1 of them was kinda my ex girlfriend. Whom I only when steady for 1 day and she disappeared the next day for the last few months only to resurface a few days ago. The last only, I dunno maybe Its old feelings coming back. She's a secondary schoolmate of mine, whom fortunately end up in the same poly as me and for the past few days, I've been having rather intimate dreams about her. Maybe its just pure lust. But still, I fear that there's something wrong with me. Maybe Im a little psycho. Or maybe its just another phase im going through and will go away soon after. And also there's another girl. Well supposedly Im thru with her. But the more I hate the more I missed. So which is which, Do I hate her or do I miss her? Come to think of it, The first time I met herand got to know her, I thought, this is it. She is the one. But I guess its not meant to be. Or maybe somewhere down the line..... who knows, only God knows. Well in fact this applies to all those girls involve above. Maybe and maybe not we were meant to be. Maybe they are just a passing phase. Just a mere crush just because I've seen their nice side and not their ugly side. I think true love is when you really seen both sides of the person and you are still in love with them. I think thats true love. Well anyway, lets enjoy singlehood for now. More time to spend with my brothers and family. Am glad that I have a loving family and fantastic brothers. They are the ones whom will stick to me thru thick and thin. Too bad that Im a guy or that my brothers aint females, or I'll had gone out with 1 of them. Im not sounding gay am I? Haha nah just letting my feelings and thoughts out. Well my wrists are getting tired I guess I'll stop for now. Gd nite and take care my fellow readers. ciao
-blog out-
Well tonight's the night, Euro 2004 finals. Portugal Vs Greece. Its funny to think of it. They were the opening match and now they are the closing match. Don't know whom to support. All my favorites are out. Italy, Spain and Holland. Pretty disappointed with their performances. As for who will win, all I can say is may the best team wins.
Have you ever had any feelings like, You've just met this particular someone and you already like him/her. Well its happening to me all the time. Actually its not someone its someone, someone, someone and someone. All all 4 of them are not new friends but old ones whom I've started to take a liking upon. 2 of them were primary school friends. Whom recently had pop out of no where and added me in Friendster. 1 of them was kinda my ex girlfriend. Whom I only when steady for 1 day and she disappeared the next day for the last few months only to resurface a few days ago. The last only, I dunno maybe Its old feelings coming back. She's a secondary schoolmate of mine, whom fortunately end up in the same poly as me and for the past few days, I've been having rather intimate dreams about her. Maybe its just pure lust. But still, I fear that there's something wrong with me. Maybe Im a little psycho. Or maybe its just another phase im going through and will go away soon after. And also there's another girl. Well supposedly Im thru with her. But the more I hate the more I missed. So which is which, Do I hate her or do I miss her? Come to think of it, The first time I met herand got to know her, I thought, this is it. She is the one. But I guess its not meant to be. Or maybe somewhere down the line..... who knows, only God knows. Well in fact this applies to all those girls involve above. Maybe and maybe not we were meant to be. Maybe they are just a passing phase. Just a mere crush just because I've seen their nice side and not their ugly side. I think true love is when you really seen both sides of the person and you are still in love with them. I think thats true love. Well anyway, lets enjoy singlehood for now. More time to spend with my brothers and family. Am glad that I have a loving family and fantastic brothers. They are the ones whom will stick to me thru thick and thin. Too bad that Im a guy or that my brothers aint females, or I'll had gone out with 1 of them. Im not sounding gay am I? Haha nah just letting my feelings and thoughts out. Well my wrists are getting tired I guess I'll stop for now. Gd nite and take care my fellow readers. ciao
-blog out-
Sunday, June 27, 2004
~~Sins of the past~~
Sins of the past seems to be catching up with me. Now I have to face the music. 1 thing tat I really fear the most is makin enemies or rather to be more specific makin people hate me. But the advitable had happen....
A month has past. Well almost a month. Thinkin tat the anger and tension had subside. Decided to pick up the bits and pieces of our friendship and see if i could salvage anything. But it seems the river or fire have yet to be put out. Apologise and blurted out my fears. Strong and firm was the reply. So sharp tat it stings like hell. Tears fell like raindrops.
Wat have I done to have offended you so much. Respect? You mention bout respect. I am a S/CLT in the National Cadet Corps. Someone whom is all too familiar with the word. The first day in NCC and the word respect has been drilled into my head. Ask any Ncc cadets if u dont believe me. "Rank is wat u wear. Respect is wat u earn".
Haiz if I could turn back time, I would play it all differently. All I want right now is just friendship. Not more than that. Watever it is. I'll treasure our previous friendship.
If you're reading this, you know who you are, I wish you happiness and success in watever you do.... thank you.
-blog out-
A month has past. Well almost a month. Thinkin tat the anger and tension had subside. Decided to pick up the bits and pieces of our friendship and see if i could salvage anything. But it seems the river or fire have yet to be put out. Apologise and blurted out my fears. Strong and firm was the reply. So sharp tat it stings like hell. Tears fell like raindrops.
Wat have I done to have offended you so much. Respect? You mention bout respect. I am a S/CLT in the National Cadet Corps. Someone whom is all too familiar with the word. The first day in NCC and the word respect has been drilled into my head. Ask any Ncc cadets if u dont believe me. "Rank is wat u wear. Respect is wat u earn".
Haiz if I could turn back time, I would play it all differently. All I want right now is just friendship. Not more than that. Watever it is. I'll treasure our previous friendship.
If you're reading this, you know who you are, I wish you happiness and success in watever you do.... thank you.
-blog out-
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Back from Spec Coz phase 1
Halooooooooo, im back....
You guys miss me? hahaha. Ok actually reached home yesterday. Was too tired to blog. Anyway here's wat you missed the past 4 days.....
Book in the night before the camp. Bunk in at 425 at Amoy Quee camp. Was given the post Platoon Commander(PC) for Bravo 6. The Bravo OC was Sukhbir my old buddy, so its good. Since I know how he works. The first day was pretty boring since the whole day, the cadets are going for the donation drive thingy. The actually events for the day were cancelled because of the drive. Which made us CLTS very frustrated coz usually the 1st day we had the revision for the cadets. Under me were 2 more Clts from the 46th intake so kinda fresh. Tried my best to guide them thru luckily they are the smart type. So ya i got a total of 39 cadets under me. 10 girls and 29 boys. Was actually disapointed when I saw i got no girl APC. Usually if there are female cadets in the platoon they will attach 1 female clt. But luckily i manage to get 10 girls. 5 from Cresent and 5 from Tanglin sec. Wah the best part is The Tanglin girls were all sooooooo cute haha. But alas im there to lead and teach not to look at girls. Anyway it doesnt hurt to mingle with my cadets hahahaha.
The second day, however I book out for my TKD tournament. Manage to get gold for the Sa Jang pattern. It was soooooo cool. SP was like bagging all the gold for every category we took part in. Then got the overall senior champion. But didnt get the overall throphy since we only sent 3 teams. PLus we could only take part in the Senior category not the Junior and Youth cat. But nevermind. NOw this sets me thinkin. Why we did badly during IVP? or isit the other teams were better. All I know is that we didnt do that badly. So we prove it right in this tournament. Some more the 2 judges were the same on both occasions. After the tourny went to eat at KFC to celebrate our victory. Then head home to change, shower and book in back again to camp.
Book in found the cadets doing their GSK(General Specialist Knowledge) test. After which had night snack and then lights off. The nxt day, was test day for the cadets. Tested them their IFC and Trainfire. All passed. But not quality passes. So they might go home 3rd Sgt instead of 2nd Sgt. So on this night, 14 June 2004, in room 2-14 block 425, I got my "passport chopped". Dunno how i escaped till now after gettin my senior rank. Suppose to get chopped before I get my ranked. Sukhbir, Rehan, Roy, Hamza, Kevin Po, Kevin Tan all came down to chop us, the junior clt from 46th, me and some other seniors whom manage to escape like Keith and Richard. Did some crazy stuffs. It was pretty hectic but at the same time pretty funny. In the end Sgt Effendy and another Singapura personal came into the room stop the choppin and instead Chop the choppers. Haha but they were good sport. Did as instructed. And everyone slept early that night haha.
The next day was passing out day. Let my APC do all the work while I continue sleeping. Haha Im such a bad PC. Didnt eat breakfast. Took my time to shower then pack up my barang2. The cadets were packing up their stuffs. Went up to ask for my appraisal. Most of them wrote I was a good PC. haha 1 even wrote I was cute. another wrote I was the best PC ever. Haha kids....
At 4 plus, the Passing Out Parade started. Watchin my cadets pass out, I felt like a proud parent. The past 4 days had been wonderful. Of coz there was a lot of scolding, shouting also a lot of praises and compliments along the way. Gonna miss them. 1 memorable night was the selection of the OOC (overall outstanding cadet) me and Sukhbir came up with a plan. We called out 2 nominess from each bravo platoon. (bravo 4,5 and 6) shouted at them, ask them to go up packed their stuffs and come down fall in. We told them the Clts complain that they were defiant and were nominated for OOC which means Out of Course. We took some fake certificates and tore them in front of their faces, step on it and so on so forth. We tried to be as ruthless as possible. A few of them were startin to cry. 1 girl actually did cry in the end. When we tot it was enuf, we at last told them they we nominated fot the Best Cadet. BOy were they relief. Tears or sadness turn to tears or joy, anger and remorse turn to joy and happiness. The nominess, even complimented on our acting. Surely it was a night for them to remember.
So now im back from camp. Am sitting down relieving the whole camp again in my mind again. Hopefully will get to see them again next year in Senior Spec coz. Aye by the way im going for phase 2 also next week. So another bunch of cadets will be at my mercy haha. No lah im a nice SCLT right....(Wicked laugh) ok im outta here will blog in some other time...
-blog out-
You guys miss me? hahaha. Ok actually reached home yesterday. Was too tired to blog. Anyway here's wat you missed the past 4 days.....
Book in the night before the camp. Bunk in at 425 at Amoy Quee camp. Was given the post Platoon Commander(PC) for Bravo 6. The Bravo OC was Sukhbir my old buddy, so its good. Since I know how he works. The first day was pretty boring since the whole day, the cadets are going for the donation drive thingy. The actually events for the day were cancelled because of the drive. Which made us CLTS very frustrated coz usually the 1st day we had the revision for the cadets. Under me were 2 more Clts from the 46th intake so kinda fresh. Tried my best to guide them thru luckily they are the smart type. So ya i got a total of 39 cadets under me. 10 girls and 29 boys. Was actually disapointed when I saw i got no girl APC. Usually if there are female cadets in the platoon they will attach 1 female clt. But luckily i manage to get 10 girls. 5 from Cresent and 5 from Tanglin sec. Wah the best part is The Tanglin girls were all sooooooo cute haha. But alas im there to lead and teach not to look at girls. Anyway it doesnt hurt to mingle with my cadets hahahaha.
The second day, however I book out for my TKD tournament. Manage to get gold for the Sa Jang pattern. It was soooooo cool. SP was like bagging all the gold for every category we took part in. Then got the overall senior champion. But didnt get the overall throphy since we only sent 3 teams. PLus we could only take part in the Senior category not the Junior and Youth cat. But nevermind. NOw this sets me thinkin. Why we did badly during IVP? or isit the other teams were better. All I know is that we didnt do that badly. So we prove it right in this tournament. Some more the 2 judges were the same on both occasions. After the tourny went to eat at KFC to celebrate our victory. Then head home to change, shower and book in back again to camp.
Book in found the cadets doing their GSK(General Specialist Knowledge) test. After which had night snack and then lights off. The nxt day, was test day for the cadets. Tested them their IFC and Trainfire. All passed. But not quality passes. So they might go home 3rd Sgt instead of 2nd Sgt. So on this night, 14 June 2004, in room 2-14 block 425, I got my "passport chopped". Dunno how i escaped till now after gettin my senior rank. Suppose to get chopped before I get my ranked. Sukhbir, Rehan, Roy, Hamza, Kevin Po, Kevin Tan all came down to chop us, the junior clt from 46th, me and some other seniors whom manage to escape like Keith and Richard. Did some crazy stuffs. It was pretty hectic but at the same time pretty funny. In the end Sgt Effendy and another Singapura personal came into the room stop the choppin and instead Chop the choppers. Haha but they were good sport. Did as instructed. And everyone slept early that night haha.
The next day was passing out day. Let my APC do all the work while I continue sleeping. Haha Im such a bad PC. Didnt eat breakfast. Took my time to shower then pack up my barang2. The cadets were packing up their stuffs. Went up to ask for my appraisal. Most of them wrote I was a good PC. haha 1 even wrote I was cute. another wrote I was the best PC ever. Haha kids....
At 4 plus, the Passing Out Parade started. Watchin my cadets pass out, I felt like a proud parent. The past 4 days had been wonderful. Of coz there was a lot of scolding, shouting also a lot of praises and compliments along the way. Gonna miss them. 1 memorable night was the selection of the OOC (overall outstanding cadet) me and Sukhbir came up with a plan. We called out 2 nominess from each bravo platoon. (bravo 4,5 and 6) shouted at them, ask them to go up packed their stuffs and come down fall in. We told them the Clts complain that they were defiant and were nominated for OOC which means Out of Course. We took some fake certificates and tore them in front of their faces, step on it and so on so forth. We tried to be as ruthless as possible. A few of them were startin to cry. 1 girl actually did cry in the end. When we tot it was enuf, we at last told them they we nominated fot the Best Cadet. BOy were they relief. Tears or sadness turn to tears or joy, anger and remorse turn to joy and happiness. The nominess, even complimented on our acting. Surely it was a night for them to remember.
So now im back from camp. Am sitting down relieving the whole camp again in my mind again. Hopefully will get to see them again next year in Senior Spec coz. Aye by the way im going for phase 2 also next week. So another bunch of cadets will be at my mercy haha. No lah im a nice SCLT right....(Wicked laugh) ok im outta here will blog in some other time...
-blog out-
Friday, June 11, 2004
The Brudders of Dizturbance Overnight at ECP
Well as the title suggest, My secondary schools brudders when to ECP to overnight and as usual due to some circumstances I did not overnight with then instead went home. It has been awhile since I went out with them. Feel like I have been neglecting them. Initially didnt want to go because I have lots of things to do, with TKD trainin the next day and also to get ready for Spec Coz. But still I made time for my friends. (So guys dont say I dont make time you guys ah).
So ok meet up with the guys at Jurong East around 1.30pm, I tot I was late but surprisingly I was 1st. haha. Soon all came Fidi, Sham, Rey, Zulhakim, Rudy and Fizz. Head down to Plaza Singapura Carrefour to stock up on supplies. Then guys were kinda a bit disorganise, so I had to step in. Bought drinks, bread, some spreads like tuna and nutella. They even bought cup noodles. But the problem is where to get hot water. They said its possible so ok its up to them to decide not me. Im not stayin overnight. Oh yeah saw Nadya at Carrefour. At last after numerous trips to PS Carrefour finally get to meet her. She's ok lah. Cute but short. haha sorry girl juz statin the fact.
After gettin our supplies, took bus 36 i think, forgot the number to Parkway Parade. Then we walked down to ECP. Everyone was kinda tired of carrying the tent, so It was passed to me. Wore it like a backpack on my front. So I look like some kind of robot. With my Deuter bag at my back and the tent on my front. Haha. At last after a long walk we found a perfect spot near the mcdonalds area. Which is good, toilet is near and so is the bike rental. Set up the tent. Then changed for fun. But before that we were all famished. Ate some of our ration then we had our fun. Didnt felt like swimming, so I juz stayed on dry land. Plus I was wearing gee pants. Zul is also in TKD so we decide to try some stunts. I forgot my camera damn nvm. Sham brought his but batt low. Wah wasnt really our day. Manage to take a few pictures before the batt died. Nearby some girls were bbqing. And being boys haha. Disturb them a bit. Had lots of fun. Made a sandcastle. Soon it was almost evening. Rented bikes for overnight for $10. It was a good bargain man. Overnight for $10. Overnight means 10plus hours. We calculated, we juz paid 75cents for 1 hour while others paid 6 for 1 hour. Haha.
At last 9pm came. I bade my compatriots farewell and head home. Reached home in time to watch O.C (thank god) Showered then went to sleep. Woke up slighty late this morning But wasnt late for Friday prayers. Now am home after prayers updating my blog. Will eat lunch then get ready for TKD. Will ask for an early exit for I will hav to book before 10pm tonight for Spec coz. PLus will hav to book out Saturday night because for the Whompoa Tourny on Sunday. Then after the tourny hav to book in again for camp. Haiz so busy. Plus family wont be home. They will be in Johor. Ok lah wanna eat before going. So yeah will take a break from blogging and will be back on tuesday. So for my regular fans out there juz bear with it. Oh yeah anyway I'll update thru Sms. So juz check out my PHLOGGER. ciao
-blog out-
So ok meet up with the guys at Jurong East around 1.30pm, I tot I was late but surprisingly I was 1st. haha. Soon all came Fidi, Sham, Rey, Zulhakim, Rudy and Fizz. Head down to Plaza Singapura Carrefour to stock up on supplies. Then guys were kinda a bit disorganise, so I had to step in. Bought drinks, bread, some spreads like tuna and nutella. They even bought cup noodles. But the problem is where to get hot water. They said its possible so ok its up to them to decide not me. Im not stayin overnight. Oh yeah saw Nadya at Carrefour. At last after numerous trips to PS Carrefour finally get to meet her. She's ok lah. Cute but short. haha sorry girl juz statin the fact.
After gettin our supplies, took bus 36 i think, forgot the number to Parkway Parade. Then we walked down to ECP. Everyone was kinda tired of carrying the tent, so It was passed to me. Wore it like a backpack on my front. So I look like some kind of robot. With my Deuter bag at my back and the tent on my front. Haha. At last after a long walk we found a perfect spot near the mcdonalds area. Which is good, toilet is near and so is the bike rental. Set up the tent. Then changed for fun. But before that we were all famished. Ate some of our ration then we had our fun. Didnt felt like swimming, so I juz stayed on dry land. Plus I was wearing gee pants. Zul is also in TKD so we decide to try some stunts. I forgot my camera damn nvm. Sham brought his but batt low. Wah wasnt really our day. Manage to take a few pictures before the batt died. Nearby some girls were bbqing. And being boys haha. Disturb them a bit. Had lots of fun. Made a sandcastle. Soon it was almost evening. Rented bikes for overnight for $10. It was a good bargain man. Overnight for $10. Overnight means 10plus hours. We calculated, we juz paid 75cents for 1 hour while others paid 6 for 1 hour. Haha.
At last 9pm came. I bade my compatriots farewell and head home. Reached home in time to watch O.C (thank god) Showered then went to sleep. Woke up slighty late this morning But wasnt late for Friday prayers. Now am home after prayers updating my blog. Will eat lunch then get ready for TKD. Will ask for an early exit for I will hav to book before 10pm tonight for Spec coz. PLus will hav to book out Saturday night because for the Whompoa Tourny on Sunday. Then after the tourny hav to book in again for camp. Haiz so busy. Plus family wont be home. They will be in Johor. Ok lah wanna eat before going. So yeah will take a break from blogging and will be back on tuesday. So for my regular fans out there juz bear with it. Oh yeah anyway I'll update thru Sms. So juz check out my PHLOGGER. ciao
-blog out-
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Yet another BBQ
Yesterday had yet another BBQ. At Pasir Ris Downtown East chalet. This time its with old neighbours. Its been a long time since I've seen them. The last time would have been in Sec 1 or rather at the end or my Primary 6. Not all could make it though. But still it was a happy reunion. Seeing old faces again. The parents we hugging, laughin havin load of fun. The children however. That is me and the other neighbour kids, we lets say a little shy.
The fathers were the relax kind. Had the usual gathering of fathers at 1 table with their drinks and food talkin bout general stuff like soccer, the economy and other stuffs. The mothers in the other hand were the noisy bunch. Laughing loudly, making jokes obviously they were talkin bout memories. Use to remember the times where, after school all the mothers would gather under the block while waitin for us to come home. The mothers would sit and chit chat at the stone tables. The same stone tables, where we would have "mini-picnics", birthday parties or juz the usual after school chit chat session.
And being there last night among the familiar sounds, I could really imagine myself back to the good old days. Except this time, the kids are all grown up. Yesterday, Suransi, Moransi, the 3 brothers whom I forgot their names, my sisters and me, we basically the only ones left. The rest couldnt make it. So yeah there use to be a whole bunch of us, playin together. Me, Hidir, Khairi, Moransi, the 3 brothers, Abg Bobo, Shidah, Suransi, Mariani, my sisters and few others I reckon except I hav forgotten them. Sorry If I left anyone out its not intentionally. We were an ok bunch, grew up together. Got scolded together. I remember 1 incident where me and Khairi got caught for stealing. Well yeah sometimes we were a little on the havoc side. We werent let off easily anyway that was in primary school.
So yeah last night was a total different in the kids section. Well except I see my childhood now in Syarah. She didnt hav any problem mixing with the smaller younger additions to the club. whom were still babies when I was playin with their older siblings. Syarah met new frens. All the moms were teasin me and Suran. Since we were the Same age all. And we had a rather interesting history together. I'll spare the details. But let me tell you our relationship aint pretty. Lets say it was a constant battle between the titans. So yeah we were teased non-stop. Moran in the other hand, Well he use to be the lets say a cry baby. But yesterday, he's all grown up. In fact he's playin for the Singapore under 14 Soccer team. Way to go Moran. and did I mention change so much In appearence I mean. Until the extent of my sister sayin "He's so cute". Haha.
But later on was force to go for a walk with Suran. Yeah but we didnt walk far juz a few blocks away and sat down(She said she was tired haha) for a chat to catch up with each other. Sat and talked till our moms smsed us, sayin they gonna make a move. So walked back the the bbq pit and bade our farewells. Moms were hugging again. Dads being cool juz salam and said goodbye. I even got help from Uncle Sanip(father of the 3 brothers) for my drivin license.
Reached home quite late almost 1. Then slept woke up early this morning for pattern trainin. My whole team didnt turn up in the end i juz slack without doing anything while the other team sweat it out. After trainin, played RISK 2021 A.D. version with Rikki, Sebastion, Din, Yun Jie and Me. Played till bout 7 and then head home. Had Dinner with Din at Banquet not the Jurong Point 1 but at the Jurong West Market near Din's house. Had fish and chips. Wanted to pack Carrot cake for tonight's match, France vs Ukraine but decided not 2. So now am home, finish showering, watched Harry Potter and now updating me blog. Haiz thats bout it then. ciao.........
Oh yeah will update the pics for the BBQ, so just check the links for updates.
-blog out-
The fathers were the relax kind. Had the usual gathering of fathers at 1 table with their drinks and food talkin bout general stuff like soccer, the economy and other stuffs. The mothers in the other hand were the noisy bunch. Laughing loudly, making jokes obviously they were talkin bout memories. Use to remember the times where, after school all the mothers would gather under the block while waitin for us to come home. The mothers would sit and chit chat at the stone tables. The same stone tables, where we would have "mini-picnics", birthday parties or juz the usual after school chit chat session.
And being there last night among the familiar sounds, I could really imagine myself back to the good old days. Except this time, the kids are all grown up. Yesterday, Suransi, Moransi, the 3 brothers whom I forgot their names, my sisters and me, we basically the only ones left. The rest couldnt make it. So yeah there use to be a whole bunch of us, playin together. Me, Hidir, Khairi, Moransi, the 3 brothers, Abg Bobo, Shidah, Suransi, Mariani, my sisters and few others I reckon except I hav forgotten them. Sorry If I left anyone out its not intentionally. We were an ok bunch, grew up together. Got scolded together. I remember 1 incident where me and Khairi got caught for stealing. Well yeah sometimes we were a little on the havoc side. We werent let off easily anyway that was in primary school.
So yeah last night was a total different in the kids section. Well except I see my childhood now in Syarah. She didnt hav any problem mixing with the smaller younger additions to the club. whom were still babies when I was playin with their older siblings. Syarah met new frens. All the moms were teasin me and Suran. Since we were the Same age all. And we had a rather interesting history together. I'll spare the details. But let me tell you our relationship aint pretty. Lets say it was a constant battle between the titans. So yeah we were teased non-stop. Moran in the other hand, Well he use to be the lets say a cry baby. But yesterday, he's all grown up. In fact he's playin for the Singapore under 14 Soccer team. Way to go Moran. and did I mention change so much In appearence I mean. Until the extent of my sister sayin "He's so cute". Haha.
But later on was force to go for a walk with Suran. Yeah but we didnt walk far juz a few blocks away and sat down(She said she was tired haha) for a chat to catch up with each other. Sat and talked till our moms smsed us, sayin they gonna make a move. So walked back the the bbq pit and bade our farewells. Moms were hugging again. Dads being cool juz salam and said goodbye. I even got help from Uncle Sanip(father of the 3 brothers) for my drivin license.
Reached home quite late almost 1. Then slept woke up early this morning for pattern trainin. My whole team didnt turn up in the end i juz slack without doing anything while the other team sweat it out. After trainin, played RISK 2021 A.D. version with Rikki, Sebastion, Din, Yun Jie and Me. Played till bout 7 and then head home. Had Dinner with Din at Banquet not the Jurong Point 1 but at the Jurong West Market near Din's house. Had fish and chips. Wanted to pack Carrot cake for tonight's match, France vs Ukraine but decided not 2. So now am home, finish showering, watched Harry Potter and now updating me blog. Haiz thats bout it then. ciao.........
Oh yeah will update the pics for the BBQ, so just check the links for updates.
-blog out-
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
BBQ at East Coast
Today 2 June, Went to East Coast for a BBQ with Moi Cousins and Families. But its only 3 Families ah. The best part is Abang Hamza is there. So it adds a bit of punch to the outing. Woke up pretty early around 8 to get ready. Meet up at Abang Hamza's house. From there we head off to East Coast.
Arrived at 11, but couldnt find a parking lot at carpark F2. There seem to be a lot of people today due to the public holiday. In the end we had to change our destination to Carpark D2. The toilet aint as nice as at F2 though, but still its better than havin none. Set up the tent and the bbq pit. Syarah couldnt wait to swim so she went in first with Wak Abbas. At least there is someone to look out for her. Dad, Pak Wee and Me started the fire. Forgot to check for firestarters so we end up with only 1. But we manage to set it up. Had to get back to basics. Used coconut husk and anything thats burns easily.
Ate first before taking a plunge. Waited for Abang Hamza. Soon both of us plus my sisters and Abang Ain were splashing away. Kak Ana couldnt join us since she's in her 7 months pregnantcy. Mom, Mak Lim and Mak Nyah just sat and ate at the tent area. We had fun. Abang Hamza was his funny self. Always making fun and jokes to make us laugh. Actually we make a good pair. Me and him. He does part time Dj during wedding ceremonies and also at Malay village during the weekends. We gave me his card and ask me along to help him with his DJ-ing. Sounds like a good idea so I agreed plus I could use some extra income. Ok back to ECP.
We swam, eat, swam, eat and swam. Practically thats wat we did the whole day. Except the time they buried me and turned me into a mermaid haha. You can check out the pictures taken thru the link below under pictures. Not much pictures though. Mom wasnt a good photographer plus i was busy swimmin and eating hehe. Around 4plus decided that we had enough plus the foods almost gone. So we showered and changed. Was already clean and fresh when Dad asked me to clean the BBQ pit. Now this is when I get really pissed. I was wearing jeans and a white polo tee. Plus i tot we could wash it in the toilet but scared the debries would choked up the sink, So dad told me to wash it in the ocean. Not one to argue so I took the whole pit down to the sea. Rolled up my jeans and started scrubbing the pit with the sand and rinse it with the salt water. I guess the sea wasnt that forgiving. They splash we with full force. The bottom part of my jeans were fully wet and My white tee were covered with brown spots due to the dirt mixing with the water. Was damn frustrated. Luckily I had an extra t-shirt underneath. Took the pit back up shore. Abang Hamza saw my expression and quicky help, Dad too. I heard someone said I look frustrated. And Damn right they are. Change to my extra t shirt. But had to go home in my wet jeans No choice bout it.
Bade farewell to my cousins and Aunties and headed home. Dad asked whether we wanted to go for an early dinner. I didnt say anything. Sensing my predicament, they decided to head home. Well reached home showere again and now felt fresh again. Watched Ghostbusters 2 and now updating my blog. Fiz msg me. Well Fiz I think ur handle urslef ok with the conversation. There's nothing wrong with your answers. Liz too msg me. To you my dear there's no need to apologise. Now it seems everyone thinks im a stalker. I know that you mean no harm in askin "why? Nak stalk ke?" those were your exact words. To prove it i still have the sms. But let me tell you, in fact not you only ah to everyone who knows me. Do you know the meaning of "Stalker" here let me tell you
- One who Stalks
and what is "Stalk"
- To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement
OK now that you know the meaning of stalker. What is ur judgement? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Obviously its bad right. Am I a bad person? Ok nobody is perfect, I do had my bad point. But am I really a bad person? "To follow or observe a person persistently" Am I following Liz around? Am I observing her 24hours a day? Ask yourself this 2 questions.
It is true that I keep sms and conversations from her. Why? It is because of obsession? Again do you know the meaning of obsession?
- Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
Am I obsessed with this girl? You ask me. Now obsess is a rather deep word. If I were obsess with her. Wouldnt I be keepin tabs on her? Everyday I would know where she goes, what she eats, what she does. Now do i do that? Plus I dont even know her address more of less know her father's name. Ok I do know where she stays but i dunno her address. I know that her father works at the cable car station and nothing more. Now the reason why I keep her sms and the conversations. For the simple reasons of memories sake. I'll never know when is the last time Im gonna chat or sms her. It is true that I like her. Im sorry if you have to read all this again Liz. But it has to come out. I cant stand being call a stalker or havin an obsession. Even if it comes from my bestfriends. I dont want to blow up right at that point when they call me those. First I would be makin a scene, second I dont like to argue or fight, third they are my frens I know that they mean no harm Lastly I come from a good family whom hav thought me good values and I dont want to shame them. I keep quiet and dont show my emotions. But there is a limit to my endurance to all these nonsense. So please before you guys say anything please once or twice is ok. But when everyone starts to call me that......
We friends know the true story and know that its a joke. But how about other people who hears this. What would they think of me? They dunno the story behind it. So please, it effects me and my family. I dont mind being the victim, but if my family is involve. No matter if ur my bestfriend or you saved my life once, you hav to deal with the concequenses.
So guys I hope you understand.
To Din, Fiz, Mif and the rest of my tkd bros. Sorry if I had offend you guys in anyway. And if you guys ever think of callin me or rather anyone the "S" word. Please think twice.
To Liz. I know that you dont like to read bout yourself here, but things are gettin outta hand and I had to settle it. I guess from what I wrote you might hav realise something. Anyway, I would like to apologise If i had offended you again. from this entry. I knoe you meant no harm. But there's a limit to one's tolerance. You should understand this more than anyone else, aye?
So thats bout it for this entry. will blog in soon. ciao
-blog out-
Arrived at 11, but couldnt find a parking lot at carpark F2. There seem to be a lot of people today due to the public holiday. In the end we had to change our destination to Carpark D2. The toilet aint as nice as at F2 though, but still its better than havin none. Set up the tent and the bbq pit. Syarah couldnt wait to swim so she went in first with Wak Abbas. At least there is someone to look out for her. Dad, Pak Wee and Me started the fire. Forgot to check for firestarters so we end up with only 1. But we manage to set it up. Had to get back to basics. Used coconut husk and anything thats burns easily.
Ate first before taking a plunge. Waited for Abang Hamza. Soon both of us plus my sisters and Abang Ain were splashing away. Kak Ana couldnt join us since she's in her 7 months pregnantcy. Mom, Mak Lim and Mak Nyah just sat and ate at the tent area. We had fun. Abang Hamza was his funny self. Always making fun and jokes to make us laugh. Actually we make a good pair. Me and him. He does part time Dj during wedding ceremonies and also at Malay village during the weekends. We gave me his card and ask me along to help him with his DJ-ing. Sounds like a good idea so I agreed plus I could use some extra income. Ok back to ECP.
We swam, eat, swam, eat and swam. Practically thats wat we did the whole day. Except the time they buried me and turned me into a mermaid haha. You can check out the pictures taken thru the link below under pictures. Not much pictures though. Mom wasnt a good photographer plus i was busy swimmin and eating hehe. Around 4plus decided that we had enough plus the foods almost gone. So we showered and changed. Was already clean and fresh when Dad asked me to clean the BBQ pit. Now this is when I get really pissed. I was wearing jeans and a white polo tee. Plus i tot we could wash it in the toilet but scared the debries would choked up the sink, So dad told me to wash it in the ocean. Not one to argue so I took the whole pit down to the sea. Rolled up my jeans and started scrubbing the pit with the sand and rinse it with the salt water. I guess the sea wasnt that forgiving. They splash we with full force. The bottom part of my jeans were fully wet and My white tee were covered with brown spots due to the dirt mixing with the water. Was damn frustrated. Luckily I had an extra t-shirt underneath. Took the pit back up shore. Abang Hamza saw my expression and quicky help, Dad too. I heard someone said I look frustrated. And Damn right they are. Change to my extra t shirt. But had to go home in my wet jeans No choice bout it.
Bade farewell to my cousins and Aunties and headed home. Dad asked whether we wanted to go for an early dinner. I didnt say anything. Sensing my predicament, they decided to head home. Well reached home showere again and now felt fresh again. Watched Ghostbusters 2 and now updating my blog. Fiz msg me. Well Fiz I think ur handle urslef ok with the conversation. There's nothing wrong with your answers. Liz too msg me. To you my dear there's no need to apologise. Now it seems everyone thinks im a stalker. I know that you mean no harm in askin "why? Nak stalk ke?" those were your exact words. To prove it i still have the sms. But let me tell you, in fact not you only ah to everyone who knows me. Do you know the meaning of "Stalker" here let me tell you
- One who Stalks
and what is "Stalk"
- To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement
OK now that you know the meaning of stalker. What is ur judgement? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Obviously its bad right. Am I a bad person? Ok nobody is perfect, I do had my bad point. But am I really a bad person? "To follow or observe a person persistently" Am I following Liz around? Am I observing her 24hours a day? Ask yourself this 2 questions.
It is true that I keep sms and conversations from her. Why? It is because of obsession? Again do you know the meaning of obsession?
- Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
Am I obsessed with this girl? You ask me. Now obsess is a rather deep word. If I were obsess with her. Wouldnt I be keepin tabs on her? Everyday I would know where she goes, what she eats, what she does. Now do i do that? Plus I dont even know her address more of less know her father's name. Ok I do know where she stays but i dunno her address. I know that her father works at the cable car station and nothing more. Now the reason why I keep her sms and the conversations. For the simple reasons of memories sake. I'll never know when is the last time Im gonna chat or sms her. It is true that I like her. Im sorry if you have to read all this again Liz. But it has to come out. I cant stand being call a stalker or havin an obsession. Even if it comes from my bestfriends. I dont want to blow up right at that point when they call me those. First I would be makin a scene, second I dont like to argue or fight, third they are my frens I know that they mean no harm Lastly I come from a good family whom hav thought me good values and I dont want to shame them. I keep quiet and dont show my emotions. But there is a limit to my endurance to all these nonsense. So please before you guys say anything please once or twice is ok. But when everyone starts to call me that......
We friends know the true story and know that its a joke. But how about other people who hears this. What would they think of me? They dunno the story behind it. So please, it effects me and my family. I dont mind being the victim, but if my family is involve. No matter if ur my bestfriend or you saved my life once, you hav to deal with the concequenses.
So guys I hope you understand.
To Din, Fiz, Mif and the rest of my tkd bros. Sorry if I had offend you guys in anyway. And if you guys ever think of callin me or rather anyone the "S" word. Please think twice.
To Liz. I know that you dont like to read bout yourself here, but things are gettin outta hand and I had to settle it. I guess from what I wrote you might hav realise something. Anyway, I would like to apologise If i had offended you again. from this entry. I knoe you meant no harm. But there's a limit to one's tolerance. You should understand this more than anyone else, aye?
So thats bout it for this entry. will blog in soon. ciao
-blog out-
Monday, May 31, 2004
"Friends Come and Go, But the memories remain"
Yesterday, Fiz had an open house. Kinda a small celebration for completing his Poly education and a step closer to manhood(NS)
Had pattern trainin that morning. Was damn sleepy because the fatigue was still there from the Airborne selection on Saturday. Luckily this time, Sir Elmo is takin us instead of MOFO. After trainin head home to shower. Then at 2 went out again to meet up with Din and Fiz at Jurong East. Had a little miscommunication. I came too early. So was stuck up at the platform for them to come. I guess god must have pitied me and grant me some entertainment. The station was suddenly filled with people and hav i mention pretty girls. Which bring me to sing this song.
"Why do girls suddenly appear? Everytime I am near. Just like You, they long to be close to me"
Haha. Nah just kidding. Was bored thats all. Played with little child too. haha sooo cute. Then Din arrived. Fiz was nowhere to be found. So we waited for him. Din wanted to go off 1st and said we could meet him over at Sembawang. But I insist on waiting. And boy I was right. Fiz did came at last but he called us to come down and take the cab with him. So yeah Me and Din save some money.
The cab driver we had, was an old chinese man. Funny man I tell you. Like to talk. Thru out the whole journey he talked to us. Was talkin bout soccer when he said something bout Fandi marrying Wendy Jacabs. He suggest why dont we play soccer, maybe we could get a british woman. Din, Fiz and Me end up laughing. Then Din ask the driver. European woman good or not. Guess what he said. He said he haven try. But his fren try before and its loose. OH MY GOD.... I burst out man. Here we are 18 yr olds. Well actually im the 18. Din is 17 and Fiz is 20. But still here we are obviously underage and this cad driver is talkin bout *beep* and *beep*(sorry need to be censored coz i hav underage audience coming to my blog. Hahahahaha
Upon reaching Fiz's place am glad to get out of the cab. The conversation's getting out of hand. Anyway, Din and Me we the 1st to arrive. Surprise surprise. Fiz's Mom address me by name. She remembers. Im impress. Din and Me help ourself to the food and played the Xbox. Next Mif and Shah arrived. After them was Some of Fiz'z chinese frens. So I decided to move into Fiz's room. So that he got 1 less person to entertain. Im ok with it. Din join me. While Mif, Shah and the Chinese guys had their turn on the xbox. Din and me had a talk again bout you know who. Well been thinkin bout wat Din said. Maybe I should take a break. But I tell you if i did take a break. I give myself only a week, maybe less. Haiz. Dunno lah. Nvm back to the subject. Bob and his Gf finally arrived. Then out of the blue Eli came 2. Haha. Fiz is all fidgity and excited. I can tell. Am happy for him. His mother also excited. haha. Then join Fiz frens a little outside. Got to know the chinese guys. Nice bunch also. Slowly all start to go home. 1st up Bob and his GF. then it was Eli, then the chn guys. We went home last. Bade Fiz farewell. and off we go home.
Mom and Dad makin a fuss already. And i hate that. Kinda protest though. I know its a sin. But haiz. I dunno lah. Anyway, reach home Dad asleep, Mom in a bad mood. scolding Syarah. I tried to avoid any confrontation and juz kept quiet. Showered and went straight to bed. Cant really sleep. Been thinkin bout wat Din said to me. Haiz nvm. Force myself to sleep.
Today was nothing much. Stayed home the whole day. Oh ya. Fiz needs my help. Gotta run. He confessing to Eli. Will blog in later. So ciao
-blog out-
Had pattern trainin that morning. Was damn sleepy because the fatigue was still there from the Airborne selection on Saturday. Luckily this time, Sir Elmo is takin us instead of MOFO. After trainin head home to shower. Then at 2 went out again to meet up with Din and Fiz at Jurong East. Had a little miscommunication. I came too early. So was stuck up at the platform for them to come. I guess god must have pitied me and grant me some entertainment. The station was suddenly filled with people and hav i mention pretty girls. Which bring me to sing this song.
"Why do girls suddenly appear? Everytime I am near. Just like You, they long to be close to me"
Haha. Nah just kidding. Was bored thats all. Played with little child too. haha sooo cute. Then Din arrived. Fiz was nowhere to be found. So we waited for him. Din wanted to go off 1st and said we could meet him over at Sembawang. But I insist on waiting. And boy I was right. Fiz did came at last but he called us to come down and take the cab with him. So yeah Me and Din save some money.
The cab driver we had, was an old chinese man. Funny man I tell you. Like to talk. Thru out the whole journey he talked to us. Was talkin bout soccer when he said something bout Fandi marrying Wendy Jacabs. He suggest why dont we play soccer, maybe we could get a british woman. Din, Fiz and Me end up laughing. Then Din ask the driver. European woman good or not. Guess what he said. He said he haven try. But his fren try before and its loose. OH MY GOD.... I burst out man. Here we are 18 yr olds. Well actually im the 18. Din is 17 and Fiz is 20. But still here we are obviously underage and this cad driver is talkin bout *beep* and *beep*(sorry need to be censored coz i hav underage audience coming to my blog. Hahahahaha
Upon reaching Fiz's place am glad to get out of the cab. The conversation's getting out of hand. Anyway, Din and Me we the 1st to arrive. Surprise surprise. Fiz's Mom address me by name. She remembers. Im impress. Din and Me help ourself to the food and played the Xbox. Next Mif and Shah arrived. After them was Some of Fiz'z chinese frens. So I decided to move into Fiz's room. So that he got 1 less person to entertain. Im ok with it. Din join me. While Mif, Shah and the Chinese guys had their turn on the xbox. Din and me had a talk again bout you know who. Well been thinkin bout wat Din said. Maybe I should take a break. But I tell you if i did take a break. I give myself only a week, maybe less. Haiz. Dunno lah. Nvm back to the subject. Bob and his Gf finally arrived. Then out of the blue Eli came 2. Haha. Fiz is all fidgity and excited. I can tell. Am happy for him. His mother also excited. haha. Then join Fiz frens a little outside. Got to know the chinese guys. Nice bunch also. Slowly all start to go home. 1st up Bob and his GF. then it was Eli, then the chn guys. We went home last. Bade Fiz farewell. and off we go home.
Mom and Dad makin a fuss already. And i hate that. Kinda protest though. I know its a sin. But haiz. I dunno lah. Anyway, reach home Dad asleep, Mom in a bad mood. scolding Syarah. I tried to avoid any confrontation and juz kept quiet. Showered and went straight to bed. Cant really sleep. Been thinkin bout wat Din said to me. Haiz nvm. Force myself to sleep.
Today was nothing much. Stayed home the whole day. Oh ya. Fiz needs my help. Gotta run. He confessing to Eli. Will blog in later. So ciao
-blog out-
Saturday, May 29, 2004
I guess I was not meant to Fly.....
Haiz today was the selection for the Airborne coz. And Yup you guess it, I didnt make it. They were looking for the best and I wasnt the best. But i gave my all. I knew i did. Because. I cant hold up my hand for more than 30 seconds. Out of desperation, I force 6 chin ups in 1 minute. That was after 30(I dare say, I did more) push ups. Oh man I was frustrated. The tested kept shouting, "NO COUNT!!! NO COUNT!!! NO COUNT!!!". All because my chest never touch his hand. So i end up doing more than 30 push ups. As for the pull ups, only 2 was counted. Argh. The other 4, wasnt counted because they say my body wasnt straight. F*%$ ah. Complain and out came Major Ah Tee. He ask wats wrong and the 2LT who tested me explain. He took 1 look at me, shook his head and said "Come back next year". What the!!!!! After that comment, I didnt had any mood to run my 2.4km. Although I did manage to clear it under 12mins. I knew I wasnt gonna get selected.
But its ok. I tell myself. Next year is gonna be different. SCLT MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ is gonna come back with a vengence. Do or Die im gonna earn that WINGS. Or rather, maybe its all written by god that Im not suppose to go this year. Maybe next year. GOtta start trainin now.
My junior who came along too didnt get thru. So after the selection, to burn away the frustration, we went to Far East for dinner and then went to play some pool at Cineleisure. OK lah. Had fun. Saw some cute, beautiful and pretty girls. Had fun playin pool. Practice a few trick shots. Didnt really work haha. But nonetheless, we forget our misery. Aye am tired. Arms aching. Tml gotta wake up early for Pattern practice. Our tournament is in 2 weeks time, so gotta prepare. I hope this time I win something. Not like in IVP. Then later in the Evenin gonna head down to Hafiz's house for some food and games. Haha like funfair. Anyway till next time. ciao
-blog out-
But its ok. I tell myself. Next year is gonna be different. SCLT MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ is gonna come back with a vengence. Do or Die im gonna earn that WINGS. Or rather, maybe its all written by god that Im not suppose to go this year. Maybe next year. GOtta start trainin now.
My junior who came along too didnt get thru. So after the selection, to burn away the frustration, we went to Far East for dinner and then went to play some pool at Cineleisure. OK lah. Had fun. Saw some cute, beautiful and pretty girls. Had fun playin pool. Practice a few trick shots. Didnt really work haha. But nonetheless, we forget our misery. Aye am tired. Arms aching. Tml gotta wake up early for Pattern practice. Our tournament is in 2 weeks time, so gotta prepare. I hope this time I win something. Not like in IVP. Then later in the Evenin gonna head down to Hafiz's house for some food and games. Haha like funfair. Anyway till next time. ciao
-blog out-
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
The results are out. The results are out. and I...............(drum rolls) I passed all modules. Wahahahahahah.
I would like to thank God for answering my prayers, My Mom and Dad for their constant nagging and support. My sisters for being my sisters haha. My friends for being there to help me study and push me. Ahahaha like winnin an Oscar like that.
Anyway. Really ah thanks to Munir, Fiz and Mif for helping me ah. Without them I dont think I would have passed. So yeah am promoted to year 2. So now im offically in 2nd year. No more a freshman, no longer year 1 and no more 1.5 or even 1.8 haha.
But still am curious what grade I got. All i know is I got 1 distinction that is for "Project 1". The grades will be release on 28 May this Friday. Am hoping for at least C and above. But considering my performance throughout the year, E wouldnt be a surprise. But still the main thing is I PASS. That sets the mood for the day. Sms around asking my compatriots how they doing. All did pretty well. Im the midst of happiness accidently sms her. Only to realise that she had lost her phone. haha. Attended the Spec Course Briefing today. Didnt see my school in the list, nvm. But got some girls schools. Haha. Yusoff Ishak, Cresent, Kranji and River Valley Girls unit. Haha ok lah. Not bad. Hey come on snap out of it. They only in sec 3. Was given the PC post (Platoon Commander) Ok lah am happy with it. Better than being RP (Ration party) and Admin.
Was on the way home. Hitch a ride in Hong Kah Sec school bus. Was tired and started to fall asleep. Then out of the blue she sms. Was surprise at first. But am happy. Its been awhile since I saw that name appear on my screen. Reached home to receive shockin news. A sec 1 boy from Boon Lay sec was knocked down by a van in front of my flat bus stop. It seems the boy had dashed across the road to chase the bus. But was instead knock down by an incoming van. He died instantly poor boy only in sec 1. Then it seems my sister Meera saw the accident. She was in the bus that the boy had wanted to chase. She said she heard braking sounds and a loud thud. When she alighted, she saw the body. Ewwww gross. Thankfully and hopefully she's not traumatised by the sight. She looks fine. Syaz my other sis also saw the body. Mom too did. Dad heard the news and kinda panic. Rush home to find out everyone was ok. Haha ok who wouldnt. Man it happen right at our bus stop. Who wouldnt panic?
But still my condolences to the boy's family. NOw lets take this as a lesson we could learnt from. Always use the zebra crossing. Never cross infront of a vehicle, cross behind it. Just be careful whenever u cross the road. So ok thats bout it for today. ciao
take care and once again to all who pass, congratulations. To those who didnt make it, Its ok. Just suck it up and stand tall. Try again.
-blog out-
I would like to thank God for answering my prayers, My Mom and Dad for their constant nagging and support. My sisters for being my sisters haha. My friends for being there to help me study and push me. Ahahaha like winnin an Oscar like that.
Anyway. Really ah thanks to Munir, Fiz and Mif for helping me ah. Without them I dont think I would have passed. So yeah am promoted to year 2. So now im offically in 2nd year. No more a freshman, no longer year 1 and no more 1.5 or even 1.8 haha.
But still am curious what grade I got. All i know is I got 1 distinction that is for "Project 1". The grades will be release on 28 May this Friday. Am hoping for at least C and above. But considering my performance throughout the year, E wouldnt be a surprise. But still the main thing is I PASS. That sets the mood for the day. Sms around asking my compatriots how they doing. All did pretty well. Im the midst of happiness accidently sms her. Only to realise that she had lost her phone. haha. Attended the Spec Course Briefing today. Didnt see my school in the list, nvm. But got some girls schools. Haha. Yusoff Ishak, Cresent, Kranji and River Valley Girls unit. Haha ok lah. Not bad. Hey come on snap out of it. They only in sec 3. Was given the PC post (Platoon Commander) Ok lah am happy with it. Better than being RP (Ration party) and Admin.
Was on the way home. Hitch a ride in Hong Kah Sec school bus. Was tired and started to fall asleep. Then out of the blue she sms. Was surprise at first. But am happy. Its been awhile since I saw that name appear on my screen. Reached home to receive shockin news. A sec 1 boy from Boon Lay sec was knocked down by a van in front of my flat bus stop. It seems the boy had dashed across the road to chase the bus. But was instead knock down by an incoming van. He died instantly poor boy only in sec 1. Then it seems my sister Meera saw the accident. She was in the bus that the boy had wanted to chase. She said she heard braking sounds and a loud thud. When she alighted, she saw the body. Ewwww gross. Thankfully and hopefully she's not traumatised by the sight. She looks fine. Syaz my other sis also saw the body. Mom too did. Dad heard the news and kinda panic. Rush home to find out everyone was ok. Haha ok who wouldnt. Man it happen right at our bus stop. Who wouldnt panic?
But still my condolences to the boy's family. NOw lets take this as a lesson we could learnt from. Always use the zebra crossing. Never cross infront of a vehicle, cross behind it. Just be careful whenever u cross the road. So ok thats bout it for today. ciao
take care and once again to all who pass, congratulations. To those who didnt make it, Its ok. Just suck it up and stand tall. Try again.
-blog out-
Monday, May 24, 2004
The 3 Amigos
Another week begins. Woke up feelin rather cold dunno why. Showered and fetch Syarah home from school. She was havin some mass dance or somthing and all the kindergarten kids were like dancing at the open space beside their classes. Kinda cute. The teacher also cute haha. She trying to coordinate the kids and the kids being kids arent dancing according to their teacher. They dance to their own liking haha very cute.
After fetching her, went to Jurongville for awhile to drop off some documents then head to meet Din at Jurong East. Then to Bugis to collect his Dvd player. Fiz join us. Soon we are havin lunch at Eu tong Seng street. The auntie was funny today. She sat us next to 3 girls. Three nice lookin girls tat is. They were talking happily to the auntie. We on the other hand were admiring them haha. Soon they left and out of cheekiness i shouted out bye. Instead of them answering, the auntie answered. Haha. Then she came over to our table and said. "How come you all never talk to the girls? I let you all sit here, so good". We just laugh and carry on eating our fried fish soup.
The place to redemn Din's Dvd is just across the road. So it was very convient. After collecting the Dvd, we head down to Plaza Singapura. Window shop and stop at a bookstore. Browse thru some books. All kinds of books i mean. From children books to books mean for mature readers. Had fun really. read till we are hungry. Since we are tight on cash, we ate budgetly. Bought Bread, some chocolate spreads and milk. Ate at Istana park. Hang out and did some stunts. Like jumping sidekicks and cartwheels over the benches. Then some group of ppl most probably students came and made a lot of noise. So we decided to call it a day and head home, anyway Dad called so it means time to go home.
Head home. Feeling tired, fell asleep in the bus. Drop at jurong east to take 99. So the whole journey i slept. So now here i am updating my blog after showering that is. Aye thats all for now. Ciao and oh yeah by the way added new pics so check it out under mypicgallery link below.
-blog out-
After fetching her, went to Jurongville for awhile to drop off some documents then head to meet Din at Jurong East. Then to Bugis to collect his Dvd player. Fiz join us. Soon we are havin lunch at Eu tong Seng street. The auntie was funny today. She sat us next to 3 girls. Three nice lookin girls tat is. They were talking happily to the auntie. We on the other hand were admiring them haha. Soon they left and out of cheekiness i shouted out bye. Instead of them answering, the auntie answered. Haha. Then she came over to our table and said. "How come you all never talk to the girls? I let you all sit here, so good". We just laugh and carry on eating our fried fish soup.
The place to redemn Din's Dvd is just across the road. So it was very convient. After collecting the Dvd, we head down to Plaza Singapura. Window shop and stop at a bookstore. Browse thru some books. All kinds of books i mean. From children books to books mean for mature readers. Had fun really. read till we are hungry. Since we are tight on cash, we ate budgetly. Bought Bread, some chocolate spreads and milk. Ate at Istana park. Hang out and did some stunts. Like jumping sidekicks and cartwheels over the benches. Then some group of ppl most probably students came and made a lot of noise. So we decided to call it a day and head home, anyway Dad called so it means time to go home.
Head home. Feeling tired, fell asleep in the bus. Drop at jurong east to take 99. So the whole journey i slept. So now here i am updating my blog after showering that is. Aye thats all for now. Ciao and oh yeah by the way added new pics so check it out under mypicgallery link below.
-blog out-
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Another phlegmatic Sunday
Haiz, halo people, woke up this and guess what I cut myself while shaving. Damn its the 1st time. And it stings man. Juz like a papercut. Cant open my mouth wide. And eating is a strain. Oh well. Gotta deal with it.
Went out for lunch at West Coast with family. Had Indian Rojak, Shared fried rice with Syarah and Shared Kachang Pool with mom. Laugh alot. Joke around with family. and my mouth hurt after that plus it kinda force the wound to bleed again. After lunch head to my grandmother's house to clean it up since she coming back next week from London.
After which we head to JP to get my hair cut and my contacts. It will be ready in bout 2 weeks time. Dad got a pair of sandals. Syarah was bugging to go to Popular to buy books. So we head there. I wanted to get books about Greek Myths and Legends exspecially on Troy but couldnt find any. So left empty handed.
Had dinner at banquet. Syarah kinda tied her hair back and had strends to hair streamin down the front of her face. She kinda look very familiar a lot like you know who. Dunno why ah. But Syarah was a bit plump. But the features and the hair all seem to similar. Kept staring until she said "WHAT?" I juz laugh. Said she look like a friend of mind. She laugh and continued eating her ice kachang. After dinner head home. Hah another phlegmatic Sunday. So yeah thats bout it. ciao
Oh yeah sorry to hear that you lost your phone too Fiz. First it was her then now its Fiz. Who's next???
-blog out-
Went out for lunch at West Coast with family. Had Indian Rojak, Shared fried rice with Syarah and Shared Kachang Pool with mom. Laugh alot. Joke around with family. and my mouth hurt after that plus it kinda force the wound to bleed again. After lunch head to my grandmother's house to clean it up since she coming back next week from London.
After which we head to JP to get my hair cut and my contacts. It will be ready in bout 2 weeks time. Dad got a pair of sandals. Syarah was bugging to go to Popular to buy books. So we head there. I wanted to get books about Greek Myths and Legends exspecially on Troy but couldnt find any. So left empty handed.
Had dinner at banquet. Syarah kinda tied her hair back and had strends to hair streamin down the front of her face. She kinda look very familiar a lot like you know who. Dunno why ah. But Syarah was a bit plump. But the features and the hair all seem to similar. Kept staring until she said "WHAT?" I juz laugh. Said she look like a friend of mind. She laugh and continued eating her ice kachang. After dinner head home. Hah another phlegmatic Sunday. So yeah thats bout it. ciao
Oh yeah sorry to hear that you lost your phone too Fiz. First it was her then now its Fiz. Who's next???
-blog out-
Saturday, May 22, 2004
What goes around comes around
Haloooo. Yesterday was friday, plan to follow Din to redem his Dvd player at Bugis. But he forgot to bring along the redemption letter. So we changed plans. Stopped at Sembawang and head to Hafiz house. Plan to spent some time there before TKD training. Went to Naval Base Mosque for our friday prayers. Upon reaching the mosque I was awe at the beauty of the interior or the mosque. Even the place where we took our obulation(is that how u spell it?) was aesthetically pleasing.
After prayers went back to Fiz's house, ate a little and played the whole time we were there. As usual its either Ninja Gaiden or WWE Raw 2. After playing, we head to school. Had a meeting for awhile with the committee. Then after which trainin commence. Trainin was really tiring today. I was soaking wet in sweat. I feel like i juz came out of the shower. In fact everyone felt like it rained heavily in FC5. Did a little sparing but i had to drop out. Someone backtrack and slam his foot onto my toes. For a moment i couldnt move them. Sir Vince saw the clash and laugh out loud. Haha gotta admit it was a funny scene but still, hurt by the pain and a little humiliation. But im ok. A little humour doesnt hurt. After trainin head to our watering hole. Ate drank and had our usual brother talk. Then headed home. Watched Scary Movie 3 before sleepin. Was tempted to sms but realise she lost her hp. Wanted to call but decided not too.
Woke up this morning pretty late. Was sore due to last night trainin. Didnt go for NCC. Had lunch, watch a little TV. Mom went to religious class. At home with Dad and sisters. All watchin the Tellie. Im here in front of the comp. LIstening to HAmmerfall's "Glory to the Brave" which reminded me, this song would surely suited for the movie Troy. here are the lyrics enjoy. meanwhile i'll take my leave and be back later. ciao
Artist: Hammerfall
Album: Glory To The Brave
Title: Glory To The Brave
Snow is falling down on this glorious land
Colours fading, turning into white again
To fallen heroes angels sing, they cry their winter tears
Endless mourning days will turn to years
So this is goodbye, i take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
Every solemn moment i will treasure inside
Even though it's hard to understand
T hat a silent wind can blow the candle out
Taking everything leaving the pain far behind
You call out my name, but your voice is fading
Into the wind, embraced, you'll fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
My eyes are closed i feel you're faraway ( so close )
Far beyond that shining star
I know you'll find what you've been fighting for
Far beyond that shining star
Down on bended knee i pray, bring courage to these souls
Make'em live forever in the heart of the bold
So i say farewell my friends, i hope we'll meet again
When time has come to fall from grace
So this is goodbye, i take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
After prayers went back to Fiz's house, ate a little and played the whole time we were there. As usual its either Ninja Gaiden or WWE Raw 2. After playing, we head to school. Had a meeting for awhile with the committee. Then after which trainin commence. Trainin was really tiring today. I was soaking wet in sweat. I feel like i juz came out of the shower. In fact everyone felt like it rained heavily in FC5. Did a little sparing but i had to drop out. Someone backtrack and slam his foot onto my toes. For a moment i couldnt move them. Sir Vince saw the clash and laugh out loud. Haha gotta admit it was a funny scene but still, hurt by the pain and a little humiliation. But im ok. A little humour doesnt hurt. After trainin head to our watering hole. Ate drank and had our usual brother talk. Then headed home. Watched Scary Movie 3 before sleepin. Was tempted to sms but realise she lost her hp. Wanted to call but decided not too.
Woke up this morning pretty late. Was sore due to last night trainin. Didnt go for NCC. Had lunch, watch a little TV. Mom went to religious class. At home with Dad and sisters. All watchin the Tellie. Im here in front of the comp. LIstening to HAmmerfall's "Glory to the Brave" which reminded me, this song would surely suited for the movie Troy. here are the lyrics enjoy. meanwhile i'll take my leave and be back later. ciao
Artist: Hammerfall
Album: Glory To The Brave
Title: Glory To The Brave
Snow is falling down on this glorious land
Colours fading, turning into white again
To fallen heroes angels sing, they cry their winter tears
Endless mourning days will turn to years
So this is goodbye, i take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
Every solemn moment i will treasure inside
Even though it's hard to understand
T hat a silent wind can blow the candle out
Taking everything leaving the pain far behind
You call out my name, but your voice is fading
Into the wind, embraced, you'll fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
My eyes are closed i feel you're faraway ( so close )
Far beyond that shining star
I know you'll find what you've been fighting for
Far beyond that shining star
Down on bended knee i pray, bring courage to these souls
Make'em live forever in the heart of the bold
So i say farewell my friends, i hope we'll meet again
When time has come to fall from grace
So this is goodbye, i take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away
Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Positive Thinking Makes the World Go Round
Walau this week had been like a roller coaster ride man. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly all come out. Haha. Ok first up, my best friend meet an old crush of mine at Jurong Point. This Girl, I shant disclose any Names, We had a short fling lah during sec school. But as usual the ending she went with another guy. So ok that was a brief history. So yes my bestfren saw her. Talked a bit. It seems she grown much more beautiful from my fren's point of view. But it seems she has only grown beautiful on the outside NOT THE INSIDE. My fren ask her bout me, and guess what she said? "Syafiq? entah lah dier tak berbual. Anyway he looks like a nerd" WAHAHAHAHA. Well the first time i hear that I went Ballistic. Ok lah maybe im a bit nerdy ah. But i cant help it. its my nature and this is how god made me so be it. Was pretty angry ah. This girl who hasnt seen me for like what 2 years, and says that im a nerd. AHAHAHA. Then that night I had a dream. It was me and that girl, I was like smart and all dress up, kinda like a rich person ah. It seems I was very successful ah in life, and she, average kind ah. So yeah in the dream, she was like trying to flirt with me and I remembered those words she say bout me being a nerd, So I told her off in my dream. Haha. Woke up that morning feeling great. Being a nerd isnt that bad after all. I get rich and successful. Anyway I should thank her too, so now I know that i look nerdy, maybe i could change my image abit. Maybe. So yeah POsitive thinking kicking in. Am glad that im born above average. So its Syafiq 1 Stupid Girl 0.........
Next, that afternoon, Dad got free tickets to watch Troy. So i went with him. It was a great show. All the greek legends. Prince Hector the great Leader, Archilles the great warrior, Prince Paris the Coward haha. Helen of Troy... So yeah is you are an avid fan of the greek Myth i guess you'll recognise all these names. It was one of the best movies i've ever seen. The war tactics displayed by the Trojans we superb. Archilles one on one combat was a force not to be reckon with. But for every hero there must be a villian. There was the king of Kings i for got his name, then they is the evil side of Archilles and also the coward Prince Paris. Well ok like the story, all the heroes die in the end so i pretty much know the ending before the show. So my recommendation. 4 popcorns. Bu pls be advice dont bring in small kids. Preferbly i would rate the movie as M18. Because got some unwanted "ahem" scenes
Then had a great time with my father. After the show had dinner. then went home. During the movie I switch off my phone. Turn it on and 2 sms came in. Din asking to go out and another from Shaz saying Liz lost her hp. So yeah, got home, was debating to call her or not. Showered 1st and pluck up the courage to dial. Its been awhile, I've talk to her considering our relationship now, I was scared of her reaction towards my call. As expected, she was kinda frustrated bout it. But tried my best to compose myself and calm her down. It went ok, I was being very careful with my words. But thankful it went ok. Lasted for an hour. Am glad it turn out well. Haiz. Was sweating. So ok lah thats bout it lah for last night. Ciao people
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Next, that afternoon, Dad got free tickets to watch Troy. So i went with him. It was a great show. All the greek legends. Prince Hector the great Leader, Archilles the great warrior, Prince Paris the Coward haha. Helen of Troy... So yeah is you are an avid fan of the greek Myth i guess you'll recognise all these names. It was one of the best movies i've ever seen. The war tactics displayed by the Trojans we superb. Archilles one on one combat was a force not to be reckon with. But for every hero there must be a villian. There was the king of Kings i for got his name, then they is the evil side of Archilles and also the coward Prince Paris. Well ok like the story, all the heroes die in the end so i pretty much know the ending before the show. So my recommendation. 4 popcorns. Bu pls be advice dont bring in small kids. Preferbly i would rate the movie as M18. Because got some unwanted "ahem" scenes
Then had a great time with my father. After the show had dinner. then went home. During the movie I switch off my phone. Turn it on and 2 sms came in. Din asking to go out and another from Shaz saying Liz lost her hp. So yeah, got home, was debating to call her or not. Showered 1st and pluck up the courage to dial. Its been awhile, I've talk to her considering our relationship now, I was scared of her reaction towards my call. As expected, she was kinda frustrated bout it. But tried my best to compose myself and calm her down. It went ok, I was being very careful with my words. But thankful it went ok. Lasted for an hour. Am glad it turn out well. Haiz. Was sweating. So ok lah thats bout it lah for last night. Ciao people
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Slept at 4 the night before and fell asleep on living room sofa. Told Mum the night before to wake me up at before she sent Syarah to school. I figured i heard her voice wwaking me up. But I ignore it and went back to sleep. AHahaha. Woke up and panic, suppose to meet Fiz at Lakeside MRT at 12. Time check 0945. Fuhh. Was relieve. Showered, ate cereals then played a little Xbox before meeting Fiz. 1130 move off.
Mett up with Fiz and headed to Din's house. At last the Xbox has return to its rightful owner. Felt a little sad, the past 2 days of having that thing has been so fun. Nvm sooon I will get 1 myself. Played till about 6. And we head off to our TKD trainin.
Trainin was ok. The bad muscle was still there. Damn piss man, couldnt do a proper turning kick. Din was feelin too well, so i end up partnering Sir Robin. Wow to have the Sensei to partner you its an honor. He gave me tips very good tips to improve my kicks and I think my backthrust and Sidekick are improving.
After trainin, went to our usual watering hole. Drank and sat for awhile while talkin bout the usual stuffs. Watching the stars. It was a very peaceful night so i tot it wouldnt hurt to msg her. I guess it was a wrong move. She wasnt it such a good mood. Haiz. Well wat to do. I put myself into this mess. Now i gotta find a way to turn the tide.
Reached home, showered, ate a little and went online. Saw her, nah dont bother. chatted with Nadya, Fiz and Farihin. Exchange some songs, surf about games and then its off to sleep for me. Haiz nite people. ciao
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Mett up with Fiz and headed to Din's house. At last the Xbox has return to its rightful owner. Felt a little sad, the past 2 days of having that thing has been so fun. Nvm sooon I will get 1 myself. Played till about 6. And we head off to our TKD trainin.
Trainin was ok. The bad muscle was still there. Damn piss man, couldnt do a proper turning kick. Din was feelin too well, so i end up partnering Sir Robin. Wow to have the Sensei to partner you its an honor. He gave me tips very good tips to improve my kicks and I think my backthrust and Sidekick are improving.
After trainin, went to our usual watering hole. Drank and sat for awhile while talkin bout the usual stuffs. Watching the stars. It was a very peaceful night so i tot it wouldnt hurt to msg her. I guess it was a wrong move. She wasnt it such a good mood. Haiz. Well wat to do. I put myself into this mess. Now i gotta find a way to turn the tide.
Reached home, showered, ate a little and went online. Saw her, nah dont bother. chatted with Nadya, Fiz and Farihin. Exchange some songs, surf about games and then its off to sleep for me. Haiz nite people. ciao
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Monday, May 17, 2004
Boys Day Out
YO Sunday is finally here. Can't sleep the night before. Woke up pretty early. Got myself ready. PLan to fetch them. But was having problem with the SCV box. So sorry guys you had to come over by urself. Not such a gracious host. Nvm at least you guys didnt get lost. So yeah. Fix Din's xbox into my big screen tv. And we hav a hellofagood time. PLayed WWE RAW then try out Ninja Gaiden one by one since we are lacking in 2 player games. But we cope well. Mom and Dad were nice enuf to leave us alone and cook of my frens. The guys really enjoyed themselves. We watched Jackass the Movie also. HAha hilarious.
Then after Asar prayers we move out to Kallang to watch The Sultan of Selangor's Cup. Din left his xbox at my house coz it was too bulky to bring over to kallang. So yeah Im gonna have fun On Monday. Hahaha. Reached Kallang late. Match had commence. it was 2 all when we went in we missed 4 goals damn. But at least we came before the half time whistle. Then Fiz cuz join us haha another Syafiq. The match was fantasic. All the veteran's came to play. Singapore Veretan Vs Selangor's Veretan. All the old stars were there. Quah Kim Song, David Lee, Fandi, Malik Awab, Sundram, Dollah Salleh and lots more. It was like wow. I feel like I was transported back to the time of the Malaysian cup. Can still remember those days. I was only in primary school. I would ride the train to Tanjong Pagar to meet my dad at his office. Then from there we would head to Kallang to watch the game. 1 perticular game i still remember was when Singapore trashed Brunei 8 nil or was it 9 nil. Nah the scores dont bother but it was a wonderful game. Fandi and Abbas each had a Hat-trick. It was wonderful, the atmosphere at the Stadium was magic. Every inch of the stadium was filled. Not even an ant can squeeze in. Those were the days. Yesterday was no less. Except the stadium wasnt that really filled. But the familiar sounds were there. The drums, the air horns the constant cheering and jeering. Plus flags of each country being flown. And the all time favorite, The Kallang Wave lives agains. It was magic. Although the game ended with a draw and we lost to penalties, It was good to see all the old faces again. They were the ones who made the Singapore dream. Now it is no more. Singapore Soccer Fever has died down. after the veretan's match was the S-league all star match with the Selangor MPPJ team. Again it ended with a draw but they annouced join champion. It was disapointment. We needed a winner but they choose to share the throphy. Now that the problem with Soccer nowadays. They dont hav the will to fight to find the winner. They rather share. It not like sharing is a bad thing. But sometimes there is a need for a winner to arise. Well I dunno lah whats happening with the soccer federation now.
After the game, we walked to City Hall MRT. Walked along Marina Promenade. Walk along the river. It was cooling. It was nice. It was Heaven. Haha not excatly heaven lah. We had to walk along tall grasses. Among trees more like jungle trekking. Haha. Oh yeah did i meantion i almost got killed. Haha wanted to dashed across the road but saw a bike coming and i kinda stop in the middle of the road. waiting for it to pass. PLus behing the bike, cars were coming in fast. Not mention it was a highway. So either way the odds were against me. But i kept my cool. let the bike past and then i ran across. zooomm the car when by. Din was shouting at me. "Crazy ah" I just laugh. Dunno whats wrong with me anyway. HAhaha. Must have been the weather. Or maybe something else......
Drop by Carrefour for drinks. Then we walked to Suntec, thru City link mall all the way to City Hall MRT. was pretty hot and sweaty by it all. But didnt care. Was glad on my way home at last. Reached home. Showered. And guess what. I didnt sleep. Turn on Din's Xbox and i had a marathon. Slept at 4. HAha. Woke up at 3 this afternoon. And continue playing somemore. Crazy. Ahahaha. I guess I hav been crazy for the past few days. Just discuss with Fiz. Planning to shot a video. A martial Arts video that is. Us doing stunts. Gonna start planning tml. Fiz got the cam. I can video edit. PLus the stars. Me, Fiz, Mif, Din, Ramesh, Hairul, Yum and maybe Sops. The more the merrier. But it doenst really matter. All we need are stunts. And we are game..... So ok im gonna switch to the xbox now. bye
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Then after Asar prayers we move out to Kallang to watch The Sultan of Selangor's Cup. Din left his xbox at my house coz it was too bulky to bring over to kallang. So yeah Im gonna have fun On Monday. Hahaha. Reached Kallang late. Match had commence. it was 2 all when we went in we missed 4 goals damn. But at least we came before the half time whistle. Then Fiz cuz join us haha another Syafiq. The match was fantasic. All the veteran's came to play. Singapore Veretan Vs Selangor's Veretan. All the old stars were there. Quah Kim Song, David Lee, Fandi, Malik Awab, Sundram, Dollah Salleh and lots more. It was like wow. I feel like I was transported back to the time of the Malaysian cup. Can still remember those days. I was only in primary school. I would ride the train to Tanjong Pagar to meet my dad at his office. Then from there we would head to Kallang to watch the game. 1 perticular game i still remember was when Singapore trashed Brunei 8 nil or was it 9 nil. Nah the scores dont bother but it was a wonderful game. Fandi and Abbas each had a Hat-trick. It was wonderful, the atmosphere at the Stadium was magic. Every inch of the stadium was filled. Not even an ant can squeeze in. Those were the days. Yesterday was no less. Except the stadium wasnt that really filled. But the familiar sounds were there. The drums, the air horns the constant cheering and jeering. Plus flags of each country being flown. And the all time favorite, The Kallang Wave lives agains. It was magic. Although the game ended with a draw and we lost to penalties, It was good to see all the old faces again. They were the ones who made the Singapore dream. Now it is no more. Singapore Soccer Fever has died down. after the veretan's match was the S-league all star match with the Selangor MPPJ team. Again it ended with a draw but they annouced join champion. It was disapointment. We needed a winner but they choose to share the throphy. Now that the problem with Soccer nowadays. They dont hav the will to fight to find the winner. They rather share. It not like sharing is a bad thing. But sometimes there is a need for a winner to arise. Well I dunno lah whats happening with the soccer federation now.
After the game, we walked to City Hall MRT. Walked along Marina Promenade. Walk along the river. It was cooling. It was nice. It was Heaven. Haha not excatly heaven lah. We had to walk along tall grasses. Among trees more like jungle trekking. Haha. Oh yeah did i meantion i almost got killed. Haha wanted to dashed across the road but saw a bike coming and i kinda stop in the middle of the road. waiting for it to pass. PLus behing the bike, cars were coming in fast. Not mention it was a highway. So either way the odds were against me. But i kept my cool. let the bike past and then i ran across. zooomm the car when by. Din was shouting at me. "Crazy ah" I just laugh. Dunno whats wrong with me anyway. HAhaha. Must have been the weather. Or maybe something else......
Drop by Carrefour for drinks. Then we walked to Suntec, thru City link mall all the way to City Hall MRT. was pretty hot and sweaty by it all. But didnt care. Was glad on my way home at last. Reached home. Showered. And guess what. I didnt sleep. Turn on Din's Xbox and i had a marathon. Slept at 4. HAha. Woke up at 3 this afternoon. And continue playing somemore. Crazy. Ahahaha. I guess I hav been crazy for the past few days. Just discuss with Fiz. Planning to shot a video. A martial Arts video that is. Us doing stunts. Gonna start planning tml. Fiz got the cam. I can video edit. PLus the stars. Me, Fiz, Mif, Din, Ramesh, Hairul, Yum and maybe Sops. The more the merrier. But it doenst really matter. All we need are stunts. And we are game..... So ok im gonna switch to the xbox now. bye
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Ass kicked (14 May 2004)
TKD training today. Didnt go to the booth today. Was kinda lazy plus it wasnt my duty day so ok. Yup. trainin's gonna be a something today. Heard there will be sparing. PLus Zhen Ming has been dying to spar with me since like forever. So ok got myself ready mentally. Been going thru all the kicks, stances and stuffs i can do. So ok was pretty jumpy thinking i would be sparring. Since its gonna be my 2nd time only. My first ending prematurely as my opponent (Jerrich) hurt his shin. So yeah plus Zhen Ming is kinda good. Seen his kicks. POwer man.
Training starts. Expected to see some year ones coming but was disapointed. Only 2 came. Argh nvm. As for the senoirs well the ratio of black belts to us color belts was 1 to 1. Haiz so little man power. Didnt do much though. Practice patterns then did some kickings train by Sir Anthony. Then came the sparring. So yeah Spar with Zhen Ming. I was stunned. I couldnt move. I was like a sandbag damn it. I dunno why. Partly maybe becoz my right leg wasnt responding. The muscle was tense. So i guess i failed badly there. But after while, i kinda get the momentum. Maybe becoz i was shock to do anything. I need time to adjust myself. Halfway thru Edmund shouted out, he wanted to spar with me. I groan oh man. Im damn tired so shagged and i still hav i more guy to go. NOw i know how those fighters feel during ivp. So yeah was desperate to end the match early so i told William who was refereeing the bout, this 1 last round. So ok. Gave it my best shot and bam i gave one backthrust into Zhen Ming's "u know where". Damn i was pissed. My backthrust was too low. Then guilt came over me. Rush over to ZM ans ask if he is ok. Was feeling really guilty man.
So yeah ZM is ok. Then i had to get ready to face my next opponent. Edmund. NOw this guy is a promissing fellow. President, finish NS, been getting doubles during grading. What more can he ask for. So i was kinda scared. Was more on the defensive side. But somehow rather i seem to fare better with Edmund than with ZH. I was yeah moving all over the place. I was actually sparring. Then i happen to do what i had intended to do. Doubles plus i end it with a backthrust. And i did it. PLus i scored. Yahooo. So yeah ended early. Coz i was outta breath was lacking in stamina. Damn. Nvm. But nonetheless. i did spar. So ok.
After trainin went to Clementi our fav hangout. Meet up with Din at the fountain. We slack ard. talk bout stuffs. guy stuffs you know. Then about "her", fiz prob with "ehem" and each of our own personal problems ah. So yeah we let everything out. Then organise our Bachelor party at my house. Which is gonna be held this Sunday. Din's gonna bring his xbox over. After playing we gonna head to the stadium for soccer match. So yeah plan everything. Then after which we head home. Pretty much excited fo this coming sunday. So I hope i can sleep early. haha ciao.
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Training starts. Expected to see some year ones coming but was disapointed. Only 2 came. Argh nvm. As for the senoirs well the ratio of black belts to us color belts was 1 to 1. Haiz so little man power. Didnt do much though. Practice patterns then did some kickings train by Sir Anthony. Then came the sparring. So yeah Spar with Zhen Ming. I was stunned. I couldnt move. I was like a sandbag damn it. I dunno why. Partly maybe becoz my right leg wasnt responding. The muscle was tense. So i guess i failed badly there. But after while, i kinda get the momentum. Maybe becoz i was shock to do anything. I need time to adjust myself. Halfway thru Edmund shouted out, he wanted to spar with me. I groan oh man. Im damn tired so shagged and i still hav i more guy to go. NOw i know how those fighters feel during ivp. So yeah was desperate to end the match early so i told William who was refereeing the bout, this 1 last round. So ok. Gave it my best shot and bam i gave one backthrust into Zhen Ming's "u know where". Damn i was pissed. My backthrust was too low. Then guilt came over me. Rush over to ZM ans ask if he is ok. Was feeling really guilty man.
So yeah ZM is ok. Then i had to get ready to face my next opponent. Edmund. NOw this guy is a promissing fellow. President, finish NS, been getting doubles during grading. What more can he ask for. So i was kinda scared. Was more on the defensive side. But somehow rather i seem to fare better with Edmund than with ZH. I was yeah moving all over the place. I was actually sparring. Then i happen to do what i had intended to do. Doubles plus i end it with a backthrust. And i did it. PLus i scored. Yahooo. So yeah ended early. Coz i was outta breath was lacking in stamina. Damn. Nvm. But nonetheless. i did spar. So ok.
After trainin went to Clementi our fav hangout. Meet up with Din at the fountain. We slack ard. talk bout stuffs. guy stuffs you know. Then about "her", fiz prob with "ehem" and each of our own personal problems ah. So yeah we let everything out. Then organise our Bachelor party at my house. Which is gonna be held this Sunday. Din's gonna bring his xbox over. After playing we gonna head to the stadium for soccer match. So yeah plan everything. Then after which we head home. Pretty much excited fo this coming sunday. So I hope i can sleep early. haha ciao.
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